Customer.guru Net Promoter NPS logo

Customer.guru Net Promoter NPS

Develop by Customer.guru


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available

    Survey Net Promoter Score, get testimonials & product reviews

    Quick installation
    Embed testimonials
    Segmented satisfaction tracking
    Product-based satisfaction analysis
    Time-specific feedback
    Order-frequency insights
    Geographic feedback analysis
    Trend discovery
    Increased survey responses
    195 Reviews

    About Customer.guru Net Promoter NPS

    Launched Aug 31, 2016


    Built by Customer.guru


    Sepapaja 6, Tallinn, 15551, EE

    Website Privacy policy FAQ


    Track segmented customer satisfaction with Net Promoter Score-based surveys

    See how your customers are satisfied depending on the product they ordered, date of their first purchase (Christmas? Black Friday?), number of orders they placed with you, their geographic location and others. Discover trends in your customers' opinions.

    See how your customers are satisfied depending on the product they ordered, date of their first purchase (Christmas? Black Friday?), number of orders they placed with you, their geographic location and others. Discover trends in your customers' opinions. more
    • Installation takes 30 seconds
    • Radically more survey responses thanks to smart follow-ups
    • Embed testimonials and reviews

    Introduction Video

    Rating And Reviews

    All Dogz Supply

    Jun 12, 2023  on Shopify

    Absolutely horrendous customer support; I have tried to reach them since April 2023 to help me troubleshoot ([email protected]). None of my reviews show up on the testimonials page. Not sure if it is a code problem or something else (I've copied/pasted their exact custom code for my store). Originally, individual NPS reviews showed up fine, and after some time they stopped displaying. Given the absolute lack of support, there is no way I would sign up to any of their plans and cannot recommend using them. I'm hopeful they will be able to help, and I'm willing to update this review when the time comes; until then, it is zero stars.


    Apr 03, 2017  on Shopify

    Great customer service! The app is very easy to set up and use.


    Mar 27, 2017  on Shopify

    Excellent customer service and support team!!

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