Showing 1 to 20 of 23 Apps
  • $14.99-$79 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 14 Days Free Trial
1,124 Reviews

Abandoned Checkout Email Popup, Push Notifications, Spin Wheel

Push notifications
Email recovery
Subscription pop-ups
Order recovery
Spin wheel discounts
  • $8.99-$19.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 30 Days Free Trial
708 Reviews

Support on whatsapp chat & recover abandoned carts with Chatix

Abandoned cart recovery
Order tracking
Whatsapp chat widget
Cod verification
Shared inbox
Automated messages
  • $9.95-$18.95 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
47 Reviews

Recover Abandoned Carts by Email & SMS, Abandonment Protector

Abandoned cart tracking
No coding needed
Email delivery
Sms notifications
Email template setting
Automated email

Enable your shoppers to Try Before they Buy.

Easy installations
Trylink entry points
Auto-capture kept items
Merchant portal management
Shopper email notifications
  • $99 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
11 Reviews

All the post-purchase up to the WMS: returns, exchanges, vouch

Automated exchanges management
Automated returns management
End-to-end post-purchase solution
Front-end user interface
Pushes exchanges, coupons, refunds
Complete logistics interface
  • $19-$99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 14 Days Free Trial
252 Reviews

Upsell Cross-sell app to boost Conversion Rates, Sales, & AOV

Countdown timers
Multi-language support
Product bundles
Related products
Volume discounts
Back-in-stock alerts
  • $99-$499 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 30 Days Free Trial
2 Reviews

Double your cart recovery by reducing anonymous carts

Detailed reporting
Increase reachable carts
Encourage cart saving
Auto-capture emails
Exit intent prompts
Track cart statistics
  • $49-$999 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 14 Days Free Trial
4 Reviews

Recover your Abandoned Carts with Human Powered SMS.

Easy installation
Personalized messages
Maximize sales
Human-powered sms
Sales recovery team
Extended support
  • $19-$99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
7 Reviews

Recupera carritos abandonados por Whatsapp y vende más

Conversion tracking
Easy to use
Automated messages
Personalized texts

Add animations to your tabs to recover sales and gain profit!

Easy setup
Animated tabs
Attention emojis
Text combinations
Customized favicons
Pre-made assets
  • $9.95-$99.5 / Month
  • 90 Days Free Trial
10 Reviews

Learn what visitors like, enable them to store their favorites

Automatic email reminders
Personalization options
Guest wishlists
Stylish wishlist bar
Usage insights
  • $9.99-$299.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
4 Reviews

Reduce Cart Abandonment: Live Insights & Help via Cart Whisper

Exit intent popups
Analytics dashboard
Cart recovery
Deep customization
Live cart tracking
Checkout support

Share cart. Collect Feedback from Friends. Cut Cart Abandons.

Share cart feature
Collect social feedback
Decrease cart abandonment
Boost purchase confidence
Optimize path-to-purchase
Reduce acquisition cost

Grab customers attention with browser tab title animation

No-code setup
Reduce cart abandonment
Plug & play
Tab title animation
Emoji favicon customization
3 animation styles

Turn Your Visitors with Carts to Customers with Draft Orders

Tracking of Cart abandonment and Order follow-up in one go

Quick setup
Multi-channel reminders
Custom email templates
Automated email reminders
Track abandoned carts

Enhance marketing via multichannel and trigger-based campaigns

No coding required
Multi-channel campaigns
Trigger-based marketing
A/b testing tools
Key metrics tracking
Segment analytics

Abandoned cart recovery & order notifications made easy.

Automated cart recovery
Order notifications
Include tracking url
Discount messages
  • $8.99-$18.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 7 Days Free Trial

Restocked Alerts, Back in Stock, Low Stock & Out Stock Alerts

Low stock alerts
Automatic emails
Restocked alerts
Back in stock
Out stock alerts

Offer real time human support| live chat| Customer support|

One-click installation
Customizable widget
Automated cart recovery
Multiple operators
Instant chat widget
Team assignments