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Customer reviews: Google & YouTube

Develop by Google LLC

Reviews (9,603)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

The "Google & YouTube" app receives mixed reviews from merchants. While some appreciate its integration and seamless workflow, others encounter numerous issues with account suspensions, product misrepresentations, and weak customer support. The overall sentiment suggests that while the app has the potential to enhance business operations, many users face significant technical and support-related challenges.

Key Strengths

  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Seamless integration with Google tools for efficient collaboration.
  • Automatic handling of advertising and business workflows.
  • Positive impact on sales and business efficiency for many users.
  • Easy setup for those targeting basic functionalities.

Common Concerns

  • Frequent account suspensions for vague "misrepresentation" reasons.
  • Lack of effective support and slow response times from Google.
  • Complexity in setting up conversion tracking with Google Analytics.
  • Technical bugs and sync issues with Shopify and Google Merchant Center.
  • Redundant processes and misclassification of products.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the "Google & YouTube" app meets diverse reception. It is well-suited for businesses looking to leverage Google's integration capabilities, yet its operational stability and support system need improvements. Addressing technical concerns and enhancing customer support are pivotal for maximizing its effectiveness and achieving user satisfaction.


Mar 26, 2025  on Shopify

Die Google App funktioniert einwandfrei! Alles ist sofort verfügbar. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist übersichtlich und intuitiv, sodass die Nutzung super einfach ist. Eine zuverlässige App, die den Alltag erleichtert!


Mar 26, 2025  on Shopify

Integrating Google with Shopify was super simple and quick! Now our products reach customers effortlessly. Highly recommend!


Mar 21, 2025  on Shopify

Muy contento con la aplicación. Hay anuncios que tengo que mejorar para que sean visibles, pero por lo demás perfecto. He tenido alguna duda y el servicio de atención al cliente me lo ha solucionado en muy poco tiempo y exitosamente. Muchas gracias


Mar 17, 2025  on Shopify

Sender ikke date til google ads. Konverteringssporing fejler, og sender ikke date videre. Bruger flere dage på at problemløse.

Looking Ofertas

Mar 16, 2025  on Shopify

Excelente aplicativo, estou certo de que devemos preparar nosso negócio com a maior confiabilidade e segurança para nossos clientes e o Google tem suas exigências voltadas justamente para que possamos proporcionar a melhor e mais segura experiência ao cliente.


Mar 13, 2025  on Shopify

Ho installato l'app Google & YouTube su Shopify e sono rimasto estremamente soddisfatto della sua efficienza e semplicità d'uso. L'integrazione è fluida e intuitiva, rendendo il processo di sincronizzazione dei prodotti con Google Shopping e YouTube incredibilmente semplice. Facilità di configurazione: L'installazione e la configurazione iniziale sono state rapide e senza intoppi, con istruzioni chiare che guidano ogni passaggio. Sincronizzazione automatica dei prodotti: I miei prodotti si aggiornano automaticamente su Google Shopping, garantendo che l'inventario sia sempre preciso e aggiornato. Gestione delle campagne pubblicitarie: È fantastico poter creare e monitorare le campagne Google Ads direttamente dal pannello di controllo di Shopify, risparmiando tempo prezioso. Visibilità ampliata: Grazie a questa integrazione, i miei prodotti sono ora visibili sia nei risultati di ricerca di Google che nei video YouTube, aumentando notevolmente il traffico e le vendite. Consiglio vivamente questa app a chiunque voglia espandere la propria presenza online e semplificare la gestione delle campagne pubblicitarie. Un vero game-changer per il mio e-commerce!


Mar 07, 2025  on Shopify

This app works great for me and my business! It took me a while to get to know Google's advertising products and to gain basic skills in digital marketing in general, because Google's products are created by some of the most intelligent people on the planet. Thank you for everything, Google team! Kind regards Stan.


Mar 06, 2025  on Shopify

Hi, I've successfully added the app to my shopify account and everything works perfect. Great work ! I'm now looking to add multiple feed based on each market (belgium, germany...etc) but can't find the option. I've read in the comments that you are going to extend this during the next month ? In the meantime i saw a workaround but don't understand how to do this "You can add countries to your existing feed in Merchant Center by editing the Content API countries." ? Thank you in advance for your help.

Marshal Rings

Mar 04, 2025  on Shopify

جيد ولكن يحتوي على الكثير من التعقيدات, وصعوبة في الاستخدام

Joe's Toes

Mar 03, 2025  on Shopify

A useful app IF you only sell to one country. It should be made clear this app can overwrite your shipping settings currencies and combine all your Markets settings into a single feed, resulting in errors and confusion in Google Merchant Center. I have spent fruitless hours trying to fix things before realising this was the cause of my issues. updated to add google llc say a multi-country solution is due within the month. If it materializes and does the job I'll update the review.

Joe's Toes

Mar 02, 2025  on Shopify

A useful app IF you only sell to one country. It should be made clear this app can overwrite your shipping settings currencies and combine all your Markets settings into a single feed, resulting in errors and confusion in Google Merchant Center. I have spent fruitless hours trying to fix things before realising this was the cause of my issues.

The Fishing Gear Shop

Feb 28, 2025  on Shopify

I was ripped off by google and the support is poor. before you use this app I recommend checking all the reviews on trust piolt. Google has so many negitive reviews that I don't understand how shopify can partner with them. All I am saying is do your research before you use Google.


Feb 27, 2025  on Shopify

Google has become one of the worse companies to deal with nowadays. You'd basically have to employ a fulltime person just to deal with the sheer volume of errors, blocks, 'fixes', 'bans', 'verifications', and it goes on and on and on and on. One second they claim you're selling 'dangerous products' (we don't), or that we have no shipping information (we do), that we are missing gtin (we don'r), or that there is 'misrepresentation' (we don't, for 10 years). Google appears to think you have nothing else to do with your business or your life than to be a full-time Google account manager to deal with their mess, and this is how they've designed their now impossible-to-deal with "service". I wish Google was replaced by a different company altogether. Maybe they can be bought up, or shut down, or replaced completely. It's a mess.

Leo’s Look Your Best

Feb 17, 2025  on Shopify

well its crucial to use this app for my store to thrive but i had to jump through hoops to get my issues solved. i understand why and i agree with the guidelines and i know why so much work is necessary but it took me months to solve my issues but i did it somehow!!!!!

3 Ring Circus Brew Shop

Feb 07, 2025  on Shopify

I rate the app, but I have issues with the products I advertise on Google due to their categorisation. I'm a Home Brew Supply Store and some of my products are deemed to contravene Googles policies around alcohol. I do not make of sell alcohol, only the ingredients to start making it. Regards, Brad O'Hara

Theme Park Waits Times

Feb 04, 2025  on Shopify

Riddled with weird bugs. Its still not generating any GA4 events and Google flat out said they are not supporting the plugin and will not answer even simple questions, like "does your plugin generate events".

Tender Tree

Jan 31, 2025  on Shopify

I try and not ever leave bad reviews as a small business owner however in this case I feel I have to. I can honestly say I have tried everything with this app and the support from Google who blame Shopify is as bad as Shopify's support blaming Google. I can easily connect all of my ggogle accounts, merchant center, analytics and ads and everything looks to be somewhat accurate but my products WILL NOT sync to merchant center, no errors, no wrong information they just do not sync either in the shopify app or in merchant center. Shopify have clarified that all information is correct and it should be syncing, google just blamed Shopify what a joke! By taking three days at a time to respond to emails, you are literally costing businesses money.


Jan 29, 2025  on Shopify

App used to work well until Google changed all their reporting. Even had a call set up with Google (their support is from India) and everything went to shit. had hire a marketing agency to fix the shit from Google.

Mira Sales

Jan 27, 2025  on Shopify

Have setup an account and guess what suspended. Added returns policy, refund policy, business model, terms and conditions, all details accurately added. Please kindly help me. Dreams shattered

Archy's Garage

Jan 26, 2025  on Shopify

"This app has been a fantastic addition to our workflow! It’s intuitive, reliable, and packed with features that help us stay organized and efficient. The integration with other Google tools makes collaboration seamless, and the updates keep getting better. Highly recommend for businesses or anyone needing a powerful, user-friendly app!" 5/5

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