Simplifies your Order Returns, for you and your Customers!
In der Goldgrube 28, Koblenz, 56073, DE
Website Privacy policy Tutorial FAQ DocumentBuild custom reports or premade ones and integrate with...
Picks up where Shopify's native return capabilities ends. In addition, you have the option of using the app's returns portal, which can be accessed under your shop domain. Customize the returns portal with your corporate identity and share additional information for your customers. The automation options and the creation of return labels and return slips simplify your return requests. It's worth taking a look at the app! (Label creation only works for merchants from germany, austria or swiss)
Make revenue through returns, send automated labels &...
Powerful automated invoicing from first sale to large scale....
Returns and exchanges, Return labels, Return policy, Refunds...
Sending invoices has never been easier.