Heatmap & Google Analytics Alternative - Increase Sales...
Build custom reports or premade ones and integrate with...
Grow Sales with a customizable Wishlist & Email reminders...
Profit-focus analytics, Insights and optimization. LTV,...
Use premade reports or build custom ones - export and filter....
Custom reporting and analytics. Export and download reports....
Show your prices in 160+ currencies (includes Bitcoin!)
Install TikTok pixel & monitor TikTok feed/TikTok ads...
Install unlimited pixels and monitor social media ads traffic...
Multichannel analytics software, no engineering required.
Turn your data into actionable insights: Lifetime Value...
Boost your Twitter Ad ROI with powerful Twitter Pixel events...
Track your Profit, Revenue, Expense and more in one Dashboard....
Find the exact data points to grow your brand
Reliable UTM tracking for (Meta) Facebook Ads & TikTok...
Your Real-Time Audience Engagement Platform Beyond Email...
Supercharge your e-commerce profitability with EcomStat!
Analytics on customer audiences, cohort LTV & subscriptions...
Server-side tracking for GA4 and Meta
Analyze profits, LTV, ROAS, customer segments within GSheets....