Mailchimp Forms logo

Mailchimp Forms

Develop by Mailmunch


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Free plan available 14 Days Free Trial

Grow your Mailchimp list with exit intent popups and coupons

Lead capture forms
Geo-location targeting
Personalized offers
Exit-intent popups
Advanced display rules
Email automations
Automated newsletters
Automated welcome emails
Form templates
1,493 Reviews

About Mailchimp Forms

Launched Sep 16, 2015


Built by Mailmunch

Email :

[email protected]


2261 Market St, PMB 4946, California, CA, 94114, US

Website Privacy policy FAQ


We enable merchants to collect leads using popup forms & to integrate with their Mailchimp accounts.

Mailchimp Forms provides a simple way for Shopify merchants to collect leads from their online stores and sync them automatically with their Mailchimp accounts. Create engaging, personalized offers and reach the right audience using advanced display rules and geo-location targeting. Quickly build your email lists with hundreds of form and landing page templates, specifically designed to boost eCommerce lead conversions. Engage with customers across the sales funnel with email automations.

Mailchimp Forms provides a simple way for Shopify merchants to collect leads from their online stores and sync them automatically with their Mailchimp accounts. Create engaging, personalized offers and reach the right audience using advanced display rules and geo-location targeting. Quickly build your email lists with hundreds of form and landing page templates, specifically designed to boost eCommerce lead conversions. Engage with customers across the sales funnel with email automations. more
  • Lead capture forms with exit-intent
  • Advanced lead email verification
  • Advanced display rules for hyper-targeting
  • Automated Welcome Emails and Newsletters
  • Email Automations


  • Easy to use and get started
  • Simple integration with Shopify to collect leads
  • Ability to create engaging and personalized offers
  • Advanced display rules and geo-location targeting
  • Hundreds of form and landing page templates
  • Automated Welcome Emails and Newsletters
  • Email Automations for engaging customers across the sales funnel


  • Integration with Mailchimp may not be straightforward for some users
  • Requires upgrade to pro version for full functionality
  • Displays Mailchimp branding, which may be seen as unprofessional by some users
  • Automations may be stopped or require manual approval, potentially leading to loss of revenue

Rating And Reviews

Coco + Bondi

Jul 18, 2024  on Shopify


Jul 16, 2024  on Shopify

Still new to me but it has already simplified the process for me and taught me a few things as well. This is a huge value to the industry.

Poppy's Picnic

Jun 26, 2024  on Shopify

Useless. They stopped all of the automations - something to do with manually approving Lost a huge amount of recenue HUGE


Jun 12, 2024  on Shopify

Mailchimp Forms is easy to use, simple to use, and very easy to get started with. I would recommend it

Wicked E-Moto

May 31, 2024  on Shopify

Not super useful as i need to upgrade to pro after already paying for Mailchimp in order to ensure my customers can exit any pop ups. It also displays Mailchimp at the bottom which looks unprofessional to me.

Rooted Creativity

May 27, 2024  on Shopify

I thought it was integrated into Mailchimp - but I am finding that the app sits separately and I cannot easily find how to integrate the mail lists... there might be a way, but it is not easily found so far. I will keep trying to work on it.

La Florentina Soaps

Apr 02, 2024  on Shopify

Can be easier to use, but is a good app.

EasyTap Digital Cards

Mar 30, 2024  on Shopify

hard to use


Nov 04, 2023  on Shopify


Mason Grace

Oct 12, 2023  on Shopify

Had an issue with customer not receiving the emails/ coupon code and chatting with help desk was very helpful and they gave a thorough explanation.

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