Channel AI Live Chat Inbox CRM logo

Channel AI Live Chat Inbox CRM

Develop by Channel Corp.


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Free plan available 14 Days Free Trial

Provide a VIP Concierge service through live chat, CRM, and AI

Customizable chat widget
Unlimited live chat
Team chat
Ai agent alf
Customer relationship management
Marketing & chatbots
59 Reviews

About Channel AI Live Chat Inbox CRM

Launched Jun 07, 2021


Built by Channel Corp.

Email :

[email protected]


5F Tokyu Yotsuya Building 6-6 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, JP-13, 102-0083, JP

Website Privacy policy FAQ


Channel Talk is an all-in-one AI Messenger helping DTC companies provide VIP-level customer service.

Reduce repeat inquiries and save your time through our AI tools and chatbot. Speed up and reduce the cost of customer support through unlimited live chat and team chat. Segment audiences and send customized marketing campaigns through our powerful CRM. Channel Talk is the ultimate helpdesk solution to help you turn one-time visitors into regulars of your brand. Choose Channel Talk today and start the conversation.

Reduce repeat inquiries and save your time through our AI tools and chatbot. Speed up and reduce the cost of customer support through unlimited live chat and team chat. Segment audiences and send customized marketing campaigns through our powerful CRM. Channel Talk is the ultimate helpdesk solution to help you turn one-time visitors into regulars of your brand. Choose Channel Talk today and start the conversation. more
  • Unlimited Live Chat & Team Chat - quality customer support
  • AI Agent ALF - resolve repetitive inquiries with AI and convert customers
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - identify customers and collect leads
  • Marketing & Chatbots - unlimited chatbot messages, customizations and automation
  • Customizable Chat Widget - fully customizable chat button to match your brand

Introduction Video


  • AI tools and chatbot reduce repeat inquiries and save time
  • Unlimited live chat and team chat enhance customer support
  • Powerful CRM for audience segmentation and customized marketing campaigns
  • Helps turn one-time visitors into regulars
  • AI Agent ALF resolves repetitive inquiries and aids in customer conversion
  • Unlimited chatbot messages and customization options for marketing and automation
  • Fully customizable chat widget to match brand identity


  • Potential dependency on AI for customer interactions which may not always understand complex queries
  • Initial setup and customization of AI tools and CRM may require time and technical expertise
  • Continuous monitoring and updates might be needed to ensure the AI tools are effective
  • Over-reliance on automation could reduce the personal touch in customer service

Rating And Reviews


Aug 04, 2023  on Shopify

We love this service and especially the team behind it! They have always helped us with any issues and now having direct communication with our customers has led to deeper relationship building and higher overall sales. Definitely recommend!


Jul 19, 2023  on Shopify

チャネルトーク、カスタマー向けの対応はもちろん、 社内のコミュニケーションツールとしても、便利です! ECカートの乗り換え前後の慌ただしい中での導入だったのですが、 導入前の打ち合わせ時に丁寧にヒアリングいただき、 サポートいただいたおかげで、スムーズに導入できました。 またその後のカート移行時も、 チャット問合せやボットの自動対応のおかげて、 大きな混乱なくカスタマーの方へご案内ができました。 ボット対応は、とにかく便利だなーと思います。 これまではカスタマーの方がQAを探されるか、 メールでのお問合せでの対応でしたが、 ボットを精査していくことで、問合せ数が減り、 購入へ繋がりやすくなったと実感しています。 また、定期的にお打ち合わせいただけるので、 「その時やりたいこと」について具体的なアドバイスもいただけるので、 これからも長くお付き合いいただきたいと思っています! よろしくお願いいたします!

NAILS INC Japan official site

Jul 04, 2023  on Shopify

CS業務の効率化だけでなく、顧客情報の連携によりお客様のご購入履歴や会員登録の有無、どの店舗を利用されているのかなど鮮明に分かるようになったことで、今まで以上にパーソナルな接客が可能になりました。 また、ツール導入後のサポートが手厚く、顧客様満足度を高めるためのツール活用法や好事例もこまめに共有していただけるので、安心して運用出来ます。

VEATM 公式ショッピングサイト

Jun 28, 2023  on Shopify



Jun 28, 2023  on Shopify


Craft Cadence

Apr 10, 2023  on Shopify

This is the best chat app we've used on Shopify, by far. Moreover, the customer service has been impeccable and especially Chris went above and beyond to resolve an issue we had with notifications, which turned out to be a device problem with one of our Android phones. Still, his patience and dedication to customer service shows how seriously this company is to looking after their customers. The service is great, well organised and for our requirements we can't think of anything we'd want more.

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