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Wellspring Attribution


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  • Built for Shopify
  • 30 Days Free Trial

    Unbiased Revenue Attribution

    Post-purchase surveys
    Customizable dashboard
    Best-touch attribution
    Roas comparison
    View-through conversions
    4 Reviews

    About Wellspring Attribution

    Launched Apr 27, 2023


    Built by Wellspring Attribution


    Scale effectively with clear, unbiased ROAS.

    Do you trust ad platforms to report their own performance accurately? Fuel your data-driven decisions with better data. By connecting post-purchase survey data to ad channels, Wellspring lets your customers attribute their purchases, not a biased algorithm. With zero-party revenue attribution in a clear and easy-to-use dashboard, you'll be able to allocate ad spend and acquire customers more efficiently than ever.

    Do you trust ad platforms to report their own performance accurately? Fuel your data-driven decisions with better data. By connecting post-purchase survey data to ad channels, Wellspring lets your customers attribute their purchases, not a biased algorithm. With zero-party revenue attribution in a clear and easy-to-use dashboard, you'll be able to allocate ad spend and acquire customers more efficiently than ever. more
    • Build a post-purchase survey that reflects your store's marketing touchpoints
    • Visualize data in a clear, comprehensive, and customizable dashboard
    • Learn directly from customers with best-touch attribution, not multi-touch
    • Compare Wellspring and In-Platform ROAS side-by-side
    • The only attribution model to accurately account for view-through conversions


    • Unbiased revenue attribution by using customer-provided data instead of relying on ad platform algorithms
    • Enables better data-driven decisions by connecting post-purchase survey data to ad channels
    • Clear and easy-to-use dashboard for zero-party revenue attribution
    • Helps allocate ad spend and acquire customers more efficiently
    • Allows you to build post-purchase surveys that reflect your store's marketing touchpoints
    • Provides a comprehensive and customizable dashboard to visualize data
    • Focuses on best-touch attribution, learning directly from customers
    • Enables side-by-side comparison of Wellspring and In-Platform ROAS
    • Only attribution model that accounts accurately for view-through conversions


    • May require users to design and implement post-purchase surveys, which can be time-consuming
    • Potential dependency on customers' willingness to complete post-purchase surveys for accurate data
    • Limited to the accuracy and honesty of customer responses, which can be subjective
    • Need for integration with various ad channels; could be complex for some users

    Rating And Reviews


    Sep 02, 2024  on Shopify

    There are a lot of different ways to track attribution but there's one that's been the most reliable and that's our post purchase survey. And there is literally no better app to understand this information than Wellspring. By connecting to Meta, Google & Tik Tok, you can get a clear understanding of your ad spend across channels in real time. While it doesn't / can't dive into channel specific performance, we've seen time and time again that it's a leading indicator when creative needs to be refreshed, when we're overspending on a channel or when a channel is being under-attributed in the click-based world of measurement. If you're doing under $20M a year, this is your one stop shop for optimizing your marketing mix and if you're $20-50M, Wellspring is your sanity check. Big shout out to the team for being awesome, making a smooth onboarding & helping every step of the way.

    Parks Project

    Aug 12, 2024  on Shopify

    Attribution, Solved: Wellspring Cracks the Code. Wellspring Attribution has completely revolutionized how we measure ROAS at ParksProject.us. As someone deeply entrenched in eCommerce and growth marketing, I’ve struggled with the unreliability and noise that come with non-user-reported data. Other attribution models often fall short in truly capturing incremental value, leaving us questioning the accuracy of our data. We’ve explored other solutions like TripleWhale, which also incorporates post-purchase survey data. However, TripleWhale entangles that data with a black box of additional metrics and algorithms, leaving us unsure about the true drivers of ROI. In contrast, Wellspring keeps things straightforward by focusing purely on customer feedback. This clarity allows us to trust the data we’re seeing and make informed decisions that directly impact our growth. What really sets Wellspring apart is the consistency. Our in-platform ROAS aligns closely with Wellspring’s attribution numbers, confirming that two very different methods are telling the same story. This correlation has given me immense confidence in our data and, ultimately, our marketing decisions. If you’re serious about growth and want an attribution model that genuinely reflects your ROI, Wellspring is the tool you’ve been waiting for. It’s not just about collecting data; it’s about making sure that data drives your strategy with clarity and confidence.

    Pretti Little Lashes

    Feb 23, 2024  on Shopify

    This application provided us with invaluable insights into the true impact of paid advertising on Facebook/Instagram/ Google. Helped us move away from relying solely on overstated ROAS figures from advertising platforms has been a significant improvement. We also appreciate the user-friendly interface, particularly the quick and intuitive dashboard.


    Jul 25, 2023  on Shopify

    Great app! Finally one place that shows everything I need in one clear place. Highly recommend and well worth the price.

    Elwood Clothing

    Jul 17, 2023  on Shopify

    Love this tool! We were using a standard post purchase survey and having to do a lot of manual work to calculate the implied CAC, ROAS, etc. Wellspring makes it so easy to integrate with your digital channels & pull spend so this data is all in one place & compare to your platform's reporting.


    Jun 23, 2023  on Shopify

    This app gave us incredible insight into how much paid Facebook/Instagram was actually driving vs paid Google, and gave us confidence in results as we started spending on TikTok. We're very glad to have broken away from using massively over-reported ROAS numbers from ad platforms. We love the UX too, dashboard is quick and intuitive.

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