Superstore: AI Sales Assistant logo

Superstore: AI Sales Assistant

Develop by Superstore
Free App

Trainable Gen AI assistant for your store!

Real-time product lookup
Customize ai responses
24/7 query handling

About Superstore: AI Sales Assistant

Launched Jul 10, 2024


Built by Superstore


Superstore is a chat based AI assistant for your Shopify store that understands natural language and responds to all user queries 24/7. It can fully understand product information in online catalogues and use it to answer all product inquiries from site visitors thus improving their purchase readiness. It instantly learns any knowledge needed for correct replies using documents & webpages . Our tools allow you to edit / customize responses. Higher engagement drives more conversions.

Superstore is a chat based AI assistant for your Shopify store that understands natural language and responds to all user queries 24/7. It can fully understand product information in online catalogues and use it to answer all product inquiries from site visitors thus improving their purchase readiness. It instantly learns any knowledge needed for correct replies using documents & webpages . Our tools allow you to edit / customize responses. Higher engagement drives more conversions. more
  • Lookup product data in real-time and provide good responses to product inquiries
  • Answer customer queries based on store webpages - e.g., refund & shipping policy
  • Provide feedback or edit & customize AI responses to control its behavior


  • 24/7 availability - responds to user queries at any time, enhancing customer support
  • Understands natural language, making it easier for customers to interact
  • Instantly learns and updates knowledge from documents and webpages, ensuring accurate replies
  • Customizable responses allow store owners to tailor the AI's behavior and responses
  • Drives higher engagement, which can lead to more conversions and sales


  • May require initial setup time for training and customization
  • AI might misunderstand complex or highly specific queries
  • Potential dependency on accurate and up-to-date product information for correct responses
  • Limited to integration with Shopify stores

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