
Based on reviews

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 Apps
  • $19.99-$599.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
1,073 Reviews

Gift Card, Loyalty Programs, Cashback, Store Credit & Rewards

Vip tiers
Gift card sales
Store credit management
Bulk gift cards
Cash back programs
Digital wallets

Our App can predict lifetime value of your customers.

Predict lifetime value
Track expenses
Forecast profitability
Create income statement
Analyze unit economics
Retention analysis

Enhance customer engagement and generate incremental revenue

Loyalty programs
Multiple languages
Gift cards
Store credits
Apple/google wallet
Square/clover integration

ORCA 行銷數據洞察平台,能夠協助品牌將累積之會員數據,進行消費行為相關分析。

Marketing automation
Customer segmentation
Product recommendations
Personalized marketing
Sales performance
Behavior analysis