Maven payments co‑pilot logo

Maven payments co‑pilot

Develop by Bounce
Free App

Analysis of checkout and declined payments to identify trends

Revenue opportunities
Checkout analysis
Declined payments
Geographical trends
Abandoned cart behavior
Identify anomalies
Additional payment methods
Payment performance
3 Reviews

About Maven payments co‑pilot

Launched Sep 19, 2024


BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
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Reduce costs and drive growth by optimising your payment processes, with actionable insights

Maven provides real-time visibility that consolidates data from various data sources and tools, and delivers actionable insights that helps financial, operations and commerce teams make smarter decisions around their payments flow, checkout, 3rd party integrations and customer experience. With a focus on bottom-line impact and increasing LTV, Maven empowers companies to transform payment challenges into strategic opportunities that facilitate long-term success.

Maven provides real-time visibility that consolidates data from various data sources and tools, and delivers actionable insights that helps financial, operations and commerce teams make smarter decisions around their payments flow, checkout, 3rd party integrations and customer experience. With a focus on bottom-line impact and increasing LTV, Maven empowers companies to transform payment challenges into strategic opportunities that facilitate long-term success. more
  • Consolidate data and create a clear, real-time overview of your payments.
  • deep insights into transaction fees, payment-related expenses, and trends.
  • user-friendly, intuitive conversational AI payments operations Assistant.


  • Tracks checkout and order events to identify payment flow issues
  • Analyzes payment performance to uncover revenue generation opportunities
  • Identifies underperforming populations and suggests additional payment methods
  • Monitors declined payments, geographical trends, and abandoned carts
  • Detects anomalies and opportunities in the payment flow
  • Provides insights into how declined payments impact acquisition and revenue
  • Helps to find recoverable cases among declined payments


  • Potential dependency on accurate data entry and tracking
  • May require a learning curve for users to fully utilize the app's features
  • Could add complexity to payment and checkout processes
  • Limited information on how it integrates with existing store platforms
  • The effectiveness may vary depending on the volume and type of transactions
  • Some users might find the insights generic if their store has unique payment behaviors

Top Helpful Reviews


Nov 06, 2024  on Shopify

It took us a while to understand what the dashboard shows. We realized that 15% of our carts are actually declines and that we're losing revenue because of that. The dashboard also allowed us to identify the origin and cause of declines, and address it"


Oct 31, 2024  on Shopify

" It used to take us a long time to understand how many of our customers experienced issues in payments. Now we can see it all in one place and we can make sure to address possible issues"


Oct 23, 2024  on Shopify

"we had no idea so many of your abandone FCd carts are actually card issues. It was great to get visibility and identify potential improvements. We are now focusing on improving our payment experience"


Oct 15, 2024  on Shopify

"The dashboard provided us with insights into our payments flow which we were not aware of. Over 10% of our abandoned carts turned out as payment declines, which we had no idea about"

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