Price Optimizer logo Price Optimizer

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  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available

    Advanced AI Price Optimization

    Ai price optimization
    Simulate pricing strategies
    Analyze opportunity loss
    Price elasticity feedback
    Prevent product cannibalization

    About Price Optimizer

    Launched Nov 16, 2023


    Built by

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    [email protected]


    1441 Kapiolani Blvd, Ste 1114 PMB 63222, Honolulu, HI, 96814-4406, US

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    Description's advanced AI Price Optimizer finds optimal prices for maximizing margin and demand.

    Skillful promotional pricing is a vital element of any successful e-commerce business.'s Price Optimizer uses a surrogate model architecture that finds the optimal price for maximizing both the demand and margin of a set of products. With's Price Optimizer, your team can simulate pricing strategies and outcomes using real sales data from your business.

    Skillful promotional pricing is a vital element of any successful e-commerce business.'s Price Optimizer uses a surrogate model architecture that finds the optimal price for maximizing both the demand and margin of a set of products. With's Price Optimizer, your team can simulate pricing strategies and outcomes using real sales data from your business. more
    • AI price optimization for maximizing margin and demand
    • Detailed opportunity loss analysis and price elasticity feedback
    • A solution for the problem of product cannibalization

    Introduction Video


    • Uses advanced AI for price optimization, improving both demand and margin
    • Allows simulation of pricing strategies and outcomes using real sales data
    • Provides detailed opportunity loss analysis and price elasticity feedback
    • Offers a solution for the problem of product cannibalization
    • Skillful promotional pricing


    • Potentially complex to set up and configure for new users
    • Could require significant data input for accurate simulations and recommendations
    • Dependent on the quality and quantity of the sales data provided

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