Preorder App with Pre Order Manager on Pre Sale and Presale!
Preorder Now app to presell new coming soon & backorder products. Kaktus Preorder manager lets you presale products & accept partial payment or split payment to presell preproducts and pre order back orders. A pre-order now button is added to out of stock backorder and presell products letting customers prepay for new or backorder products. Easily migrate from preorder globo, pre-order wolf, amai pre order, soq, wod and pq to K: Preorder Now pre-order manager split payment & partial payment app
"Boost sales with pre-orders, presales, waitlists, and seamless...
Easily create preorder now for products that are out of...
Display Pre-Orders, Coming Soon & Notify Me Products
Setup Preorder, Backorder, Coming soon products in 1 minute....
Boost your sales with Pre-order Now, Notify Me, Restock...
Notify me button! Send back in stock, restock & instock...
Boost pre-sale with Coming Soon, Back in Stock & Notify...
Display Pre-Orders, Coming Soon & Notify Me Products