This app does what it says! It's very unobtrusive, can be customized, and has worked well for me. It's super easy to use.
However, I really wish it would be able to batch process the signups. Right now, you have to select one email at a time, check the "processed by staff" box, hit save, then go back to the main page, where you move on to the next email.
I suppose I shouldn't knock the developers too much, since it is a free app, after all. But it sure would be a great time saver if I could simply click down the row of emails, and THEN click "save" 1 time.
The other thing that disappoints me (and it may or may not be anything that the developers did), is that I use the Firefox browser for most of my Admin tasks. The "Export Subscribers" button doesn't respond, and I am forced to open Google Chrome in order to export the list. Also, it would be super great if the list only exported those emails that haven't been "processed by staff" yet. Otherwise, I have to go into the .csv file and delete those rows that show as having been processed. It's not a big deal, and the app has been incredibly valuable in helping to convert sales that may have otherwise slipped away. However...
I have received considerable feedback from irate iPhone users who say that they cannot click on the "X" to close/cancel the popup window and continue to browse my website. The tech support replied to my inquiry to suggest that the problem is with my Shopify theme, which I don't believe, since it apparently affects just some mobile device users (iPhone users specifically).
That being said, I would recommend this app to anyone who is new to the concept of Popup ads, even with its shortcomings. I'm sure that there are other popup apps that work better, without these pesky glitches, but they have monthly subscription costs, which I am loathe to do.