Showing 40 to 50 of 30 Apps
  • $8 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 30 Days Free Trial

A single App to enhance and improve your Checkout experience

Trust badges
Hide shipping methods
Cross-selling capabilities
Hide payment methods
Age verification
Checkout restrictions
  • $4-$6 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial

Automatically detect and cancel fraudulent orders.

Order tagging
Order cancellation
Customizable rules
Automatic fraud detection
Advanced protection

Recommend products to customers in checkout to increase AOV

Shopify admin integration
Customizable rules
Display discount prices
Sales data reports
  • $299-$599 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 14 Days Free Trial
58 Reviews

Detect fraud, prevent chargebacks and stop any business abuse

Seamless integration
Fraud prevention
Flexible rules
Behavior analysis
Real-time analysis
Ai machine learning
  • $14.99 / Month
  • 3 Days Free Trial
6 Reviews

Customer real-time delivery date countdown—"Get it by Dec. 25"

Customizable options
Real-time delivery dates
Multiple fulfillment centers
Unique map view
Shipping provider support
Customer geolocation
  • $7.9-$14.9 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
10 Reviews

Easy to create and manage related products on product pages

Manual product selection
Show related products
Product combination rules
Custom display interface
  • $1.99-$25.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
84 Reviews

Automatically tag products, orders & customers, the smart way!

Custom rules
Automatic tagging
Bulk operations
Preset tag rules

Advanced Country & IP Blocking tool for your store

Seamless integration
User-friendly interface
Customizable rules
Ip whitelisting
Country blocking

Block known fraud and automate operations to maximize revenue.

Custom rule creation
Fraud risk reports
Fraud trend analytics
Automated fraud operations
Predefined rule recommendations
Checkout fraud blocking

Offer easy returns, with printer-less returns & dynamic rules.

Order integration
Automate returns
Dynamic rules
Drop-off points
Customisable platform
Printer-less returns