Rocket Page Speed Optimizer logo

Rocket Page Speed Optimizer

Develop by Kirkland Apps


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 7 Days Free Trial

    Improve Google Pagespeed Score, and Fix Search Console Errors

    No coding required
    One-click optimization
    Automatic page optimization
    Google core vitals
    Lazy-loading apps
    Desktop & mobile
    Facebook pixel optimization
    Klaviyo optimization
    Google analytics optimization
    62 Reviews

    About Rocket Page Speed Optimizer

    Launched Apr 16, 2021


    Built by Kirkland Apps

    Email :

    [email protected]


    818 18th Ave S., Nashville, TN, 37203, US

    Website Privacy policy


    Improve your store's speed with just a few clicks, and meet Google's core web vitals requirements.

    Automatic page speed optimizer improves your store's page speed on desktop and mobile devices. No coding is required. It also helps with Google's new core web vitals requirements by lazy-loading commonly used apps and analytics. Using this app takes care of Facebook Pixel Speed Optimization, Klaviyo Speed Optimization, Google Analytics / Tag Manager Speed Optimization, Intelligent Javascript Loading for Shopify Apps, and Live Chat Optimization with just one click. Includes 24x7 assistance.

    Automatic page speed optimizer improves your store's page speed on desktop and mobile devices. No coding is required. It also helps with Google's new core web vitals requirements by lazy-loading commonly used apps and analytics. Using this app takes care of Facebook Pixel Speed Optimization, Klaviyo Speed Optimization, Google Analytics / Tag Manager Speed Optimization, Intelligent Javascript Loading for Shopify Apps, and Live Chat Optimization with just one click. Includes 24x7 assistance. more
    • This app increases page speed on desktop and mobile devices automatically.
    • This app improves Google's core web vitals metrics, such as LCP, FCP, and CLS.
    • Includes an uninstall button to remove app code from your theme easily.


    • Automatic page speed optimization for both desktop and mobile devices
    • No coding required for implementation
    • Improves core web vitals metrics like LCP, FCP, and CLS, essential for Google rankings
    • Automatically optimizes Facebook Pixel, Klaviyo, Google Analytics, Tag Manager, and Live Chat speed
    • Includes 24x7 assistance
    • Easy uninstallation with an uninstall button that removes app code from your theme


    • Customer support appears unresponsive, as indicated by a review with no reply for three months
    • Potential users may perceive the project as inactive or dead based on negative reviews

    Rating And Reviews

    Sep 06, 2024  on Shopify

    I have tried SEVERAL so called Page Speed tools. Some of them were very expensive! Each of the tools I've tried provided varying levels of effectiveness (from very good, to terrible). Some even broke my theme entirely. On a whim I tried this one. WOW! Our pagespeed scores have come up nicely. Not mind-blowing, but an impressive bump. We've moved from unacceptable speed levels to above average speed levels. And our Web Core Vitals are spot on now. How can something this inexpensive work so well? I haven't got a clue. But I can say this with assurance -- this app is a keeper!


    Sep 05, 2024  on Shopify

    Amazing App, the only one that significantly reduced the LCP of my Website. The customer support is very fast and reliable. Definitely recommend!


    Aug 15, 2024  on Shopify

    Fantastic app. Highly recommended!

    Fiit Fusion

    Aug 14, 2024  on Shopify

    As I prepare for the busy season, I'm glad I have this app take care of the speed issues. It's one less thing I have to worry bout this year.

    Circuit Ciity

    Aug 14, 2024  on Shopify

    Al principio no entendí la aplicación, pero Sam, de soporte, me la explicó. También se tomó el tiempo para optimizar todas las aplicaciones de la tienda y ayudar con el tiempo de carga. Gracias Sam.

    Pulse Buy

    Aug 14, 2024  on Shopify

    After going through multiple sprints of speed optimization, I'm happy to say that this app is the best I've found. They even email you a link to verify the improvements on Google. I wish they worked with CSS too.

    Luxe Livinn

    Aug 13, 2024  on Shopify

    La velocidad es muy importante para los compradores en línea. Estoy feliz de haber encontrado esta aplicación a tiempo. Ayudó con la velocidad. Desearía que hubiera una calidad de soporte similar en todas las demás aplicaciones que tengo.

    Gadget Grovve

    Aug 13, 2024  on Shopify

    Saw this app recommended on facebook and thought I'd give it a try. Install takes a few minutes and It's easy to use. I didn't understand the setting page, but app support look care of it. I wish they have a way to apply the fixes to a backup theme for testing.


    Aug 12, 2024  on Shopify

    I've been using this app for a few days now and I've already seen a noticeable improvement in my site's speed. I am happy with the results and would recommend it to anyone.

    Stylee Sphere

    Aug 12, 2024  on Shopify

    I got a 15 point bump in page speed just by installing this app. I think it can help me improve my SEO and get a faster page in the long run.

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