ORCA 行銷數據洞察平台,能夠協助品牌將累積之會員數據,進行消費行為相關分析。
Improve your shop speed & increase conversion and revenue!
Automagically create contacts, deals, and invoices in your CRM Show more
Manage digital marketing metrics from a single application
Data Driven Marketing Platform - Send Messages That Matter
Accurately track tiktok ads performance and build audiences.
SMS marketing platform to drive leads and insightful data
Enhanced tracking solution for KonnectBio platform.
Simplified CRM automation: creative, campaign, analysis, popup
AI Predictive Models for Churn and Propensity to buy
Find the exact data points to grow your brand
Increase your conversion rate through A/B testing and replays
Leverage all your data to create powerful marketing campaigns
Integrated email marketing and marketing automation Show more
京东出海营销-JD Google Analytics
Gather feedback. Gain powerful insight. Boost your business.
Key CRM Insights and Metrics with InstanteStore
Turn scattered data into Insights
Deploy open-ended post-purchase surveys for detailed insights.