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Map Insights

Develop by Shopify


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Geographical sales analytics tool to analyze sales data

Location insights
Multi-layer heat-map
Order data visualization
Interactive filtering
Correlation analysis
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About Map Insights

Launched Jun 21, 2023


Built by Shopify

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Introduction Video


Analytics tool to visualize, compare and analyze customers order data on a map

Map Insights is a comprehensive sales analytics tool for merchants to visualize, compare and analyze customer and order data on a map. By providing the ability to display multiple map marker layers based on extensive filtering controls, Map Insights allows you to identify trends and patterns in your customer order data. You can easily see where your sales are coming from, which products are performing best in different locations, and where your marketing efforts should be spent.

Map Insights is a comprehensive sales analytics tool for merchants to visualize, compare and analyze customer and order data on a map. By providing the ability to display multiple map marker layers based on extensive filtering controls, Map Insights allows you to identify trends and patterns in your customer order data. You can easily see where your sales are coming from, which products are performing best in different locations, and where your marketing efforts should be spent. more
  • Multi-layer interactive heat-map of your customer order data
  • Visualize and compare customer order profiles based on order data
  • Extensive data filtering options to help you visually analyze order data
  • View location insights by country, state/province, or zip/postal code
  • Determine any correlation between location and customers with multiple orders


  • Interactive heat-map allows for easy visualization of customer order data
  • Ability to visualize and compare customer order profiles helps identify sales trends
  • Extensive data filtering options enhance data analysis capabilities
  • Provides location insights at various levels including country, state/province, and zip/postal code
  • Helps determine correlation between location and customers with multiple orders
  • Facilitates targeted marketing efforts by highlighting regions with high sales or potential


  • Limited to visualization on a map, may not suit all analytics needs
  • Potential steep learning curve for users unfamiliar with map-based data analysis
  • Effectiveness highly dependent on accuracy and completeness of input sales data
  • May require frequent updates to ensure accurate data representation as sales trends change over time

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