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Bizrate Insights Reviews

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Gather feedback. Gain powerful insight. Boost your business.

Unlimited surveys
Easy implementation
Collect customer feedback
Voice-of-customer surveys
360-degree shopper understanding
Vitalsigns dashboard
Unlimited invitations

About Bizrate Insights Reviews

Launched Nov 21, 2023


Built by Bizrate Insights


Collect customer feedback, including verified reviews, ratings, and core KPIs

With Bizrate Insights, you can launch voice-of-customer surveys that give you a 360-degree understanding of every shopper journey and each individual touchpoint. That includes site abandonment, point-of-purchase, post-fulfillment, and more. Then use our VitalSigns dashboard to review the data and spot new CX opportunities. Implementation is easy, no engineering team required. Plus, there are no limits on surveys or invitations.

With Bizrate Insights, you can launch voice-of-customer surveys that give you a 360-degree understanding of every shopper journey and each individual touchpoint. That includes site abandonment, point-of-purchase, post-fulfillment, and more. Then use our VitalSigns dashboard to review the data and spot new CX opportunities. Implementation is easy, no engineering team required. Plus, there are no limits on surveys or invitations. more
  • Verified ratings & reviews: Automatically syndicated to Google, Yahoo and Bing
  • Customer feedback: Satisfaction data, trends, customer preferences, and NPS
  • Metrics & benchmarks: Drive sales, build loyalty, and track industry movement

Introduction Video


  • Allows the launch of voice-of-customer surveys that provide a 360-degree understanding of the shopper journey
  • Covers multiple touchpoints including site abandonment, point-of-purchase, and post-fulfillment
  • VitalSigns dashboard helps review the data and identify new customer experience (CX) opportunities
  • No engineering team required for implementation
  • No limits on surveys or invitations
  • Automatically syndicates verified ratings and reviews to Google, Yahoo, and Bing
  • Provides detailed customer feedback with satisfaction data, trends, preferences, and Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Helps drive sales, build loyalty, and track industry movement through metrics and benchmarks


  • The app description is provided twice without additional information, which may indicate redundant content or lack of thorough detailing
  • Potential users may require more detailed insights into specific features and user interface design
  • Limited information on the extent and depth of customization options for the surveys
  • No mention of customer support availability or responsiveness, which could be crucial for troubleshooting and guidance

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