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Triffin (Formally Viable)

Develop by Run Viable Ltd
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Make cashflow part of your success story

Real-time finances
Spend insights
Budget projections
Cash flow management
Financial outcomes prediction
Growth optimization
P&l projections
5 Reviews

About Triffin (Formally Viable)

Launched May 20, 2024


Built by Run Viable Ltd


41 Luke St, London, ENG, EC2A 4DP, GB

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A unified view of your finances with intelligent cash flow forecasting

Remove the guess work in your finances with a real-time view of cash, incomings and outgoings. Save money with detailed spend insights by category and supplier. Budget for inventory, marketing and operational expenses with projected cash flows. Predict finance outcomes and optimise for growth, profit or cash flow. Triffin (formally Viable) is designed by e-commerce finance experts so you can make finance part of your success story.

Remove the guess work in your finances with a real-time view of cash, incomings and outgoings. Save money with detailed spend insights by category and supplier. Budget for inventory, marketing and operational expenses with projected cash flows. Predict finance outcomes and optimise for growth, profit or cash flow. Triffin (formally Viable) is designed by e-commerce finance experts so you can make finance part of your success story. more
  • A complete, real-time view of your finances
  • Detailed spend insights by category
  • Current and projected cash flows
  • Live P&L with margin and net profit projections


  • Provides a real-time view of cash, incomings, and outgoings
  • Helps save money with detailed spend insights by category and supplier
  • Allows for budgeting of inventory, marketing, and operational expenses with projected cash flows
  • Enables prediction of finance outcomes and optimization for growth, profit, or cash flow
  • Designed by e-commerce finance experts, ensuring relevance and effectiveness
  • Includes a live P&L with margin and net profit projections
  • A complete, real-time view of your finances, aiding in better decision-making


  • May require a learning curve for users unfamiliar with financial management tools
  • Potential dependency on accurate and timely data input to remain effective
  • Possibly limited to e-commerce businesses, reducing its applicability for other industries
  • Advanced features might be behind a paywall, limiting access for small businesses or individuals with limited budgets
  • May require internet connectivity for real-time updates, which could be a problem in areas with poor connectivity

Top Helpful Reviews


Aug 12, 2024  on Shopify

We have been working with RunViable team for the last 5 months and it has been a business changing experience. Having the team dig into our financials and then explain how to better manage cash flow, financial planning, profit and loss forecasting has been nothing sort of exceptional and has subsequently given us the confidence to trust in our brand and our financial choices. Couldn't recommend enough.


Aug 12, 2024  on Shopify

RunViable has been an invaluable planning tool for us in managing our business finances. We are a fairly new business and bringing Viable on board from an early stage was a great descision for us. Planning for huge growth over the next four years with confidence gained from a comprehensive financial management tool has been revolutionary. Reporting to our board with confidence in the numbers produced by Viable has taken the stress out of quarterly reporting for us.


Jul 14, 2024  on Shopify

I’ve been using this for 6 months and it has saved me 4-6 hours per week - my performance is updated daily so it’s replaced my frustration of using multiple and outdated spreadsheets. I feel it’s added 5 years to my life as I don’t have the stress and mess of cashflow management.


Jul 14, 2024  on Shopify

We have been using RunViable for over a year now, and it has completely revolutionized the way we manage our business finances. From tracking Cash Flow, planning, to reporting, our business is now able to make informed financial decisions, and everything is seamlessly integrated on the platform. This is a fully comprehensive financial management tool that has made managing our businesses finances simpler, more organized, and stress-free. As a result of RunViable we have been able to scale our business quickly, hire more people, and make much more informed financial decisions. I can highly recommend RunViable, I wouldn't be without this platform for our growing business.

Equi London

Jul 09, 2024  on Shopify

A total game changer in managing cash flow, taking risk, financial planning and overall confidence in running my business. Could not recommend enough - the growth we've had since working with viable has been off the charts.

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