Vendo | Advanced Mixpanel Sync logo

Vendo | Advanced Mixpanel Sync


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  • Built for Shopify
  • 30 Days Free Trial

    Advanced data sync for Mixpanel. Work with data you can trust.

    Customer journey tracking
    Expert data sync
    Extended tracking
    High-precision tracking
    Free historical data
    Comprehensive event properties
    User properties coverage

    About Vendo | Advanced Mixpanel Sync

    Launched Jan 26, 2024


    Built by Growth Analytics Marketing

    Email :

    [email protected]


    17 Courtley Rd, Beacon Hill, NSW, 2100, AU

    Website Support Portal Privacy policy


    Start your Mixpanel journey with expert-crafted data sync.

    We spent more than 700 hours designing Vendo to provide you with accurate and comprehensive data in Mixpanel. With Vendo, you can see the customer journey from the first time they visit your website to when they receive their order. The app has 20 events, 63 event properties and 33 user properties covering all standard use cases. Tracking can be extended to include additional channel, fulfilment and product data. Need help? Ask us about our implementation, training and optimisation services.

    We spent more than 700 hours designing Vendo to provide you with accurate and comprehensive data in Mixpanel. With Vendo, you can see the customer journey from the first time they visit your website to when they receive their order. The app has 20 events, 63 event properties and 33 user properties covering all standard use cases. Tracking can be extended to include additional channel, fulfilment and product data. Need help? Ask us about our implementation, training and optimisation services. more
    • Designed for Mixpanel by Mixpanel experts.
    • Cookieless, high-precision website and server-side tracking.
    • Extend tracking with customer events without installing additional SDKs.
    • Free historical customer, order and fulfillment data sync up to five years.


    • Designed for Mixpanel by Mixpanel experts, ensuring high compatibility and efficiency
    • Cookieless, high-precision website, and server-side tracking, enhancing data accuracy and user privacy
    • Ability to extend tracking with customer events without installing additional SDKs, making it more flexible and less intrusive
    • Free historical customer, order, and fulfillment data sync up to five years, offering a valuable backward-looking data analysis capability
    • Comprehensive coverage with 20 events, 63 event properties, and 33 user properties, meeting standard use cases effectively
    • Extended tracking can include additional channel, fulfillment, and product data, which enables more detailed and customized data insights
    • Offers implementation, training, and optimization services, providing support and ensuring effective use of the app


    • Possibly complex setup due to the specialized nature of the tool and the detailed data it handles
    • The extensive feature set may be overwhelming for smaller teams or businesses with limited technical expertise
    • Dependence on Mixpanel—users must be committed to using Mixpanel as their analytics platform for full benefit

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