Showing 1 to 7 of 7 Apps
  • $2 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 7 Days Free Trial
2 Reviews

Automatically generating an HTML Sitemap of your content

Customization options
Improve seo ranking
No coding needed
Auto-generate sitemap
Exclude specific content
  • $1.99 / Month
  • 3 Days Free Trial
1 Reviews

Add premium scrolling experience while your customers shop.

Smooth scrolling
Scroll stepsize modification
Scroll smoothness modification
Animation smoothness modification
  • $50-$100 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
2 Reviews

Split and Relate similar products together seamlessly

Color swatches
Product grouping
Improve seo
Single interface
Variant splitting
  • $1.99 / Month
  • 5 Days Free Trial
4 Reviews

Infinite Scroll, Load More Button & Scroll to Top - Enhance UX

Fully customizable
Scroll to top
Infinite scroll
Load more button
  • $62.5-$312.5 / Month
1 Reviews

Améliorez les coversions avec des vidéos courtes impactantes

Customizable displays
Enhanced engagement
User-generated content
Product videos
Interactive tutorials
Social media import

デザイン・UX向上/ 売上向上。ノーコードでセクション間の余白を自由に調整できるアプリです。

No-code customization
Adjust margins
Separate device settings
  • $29-$99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 14 Days Free Trial
20 Reviews

Avoid lost sales by improving UX and SEO

Session replays
Seo optimization
Heatmap analysis
Popup surveys
Ecommerce tracking