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Shop Score ‑ Benchmark Report

Develop by AdScale
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Get a benchmark report of your data metrics vs. competitors

Ad performance analysis
Benchmark reports
Store performance comparison
Aov and clv metrics
Cpa and roas benchmarking
Customer ratio analysis
Repurchase frequency
Ad budget optimization
Revenue impact analysis

About Shop Score ‑ Benchmark Report

Launched Jun 24, 2024


Built by AdScale

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BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
(1,872 Reviews)
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Loyalty rewards program with points, POS, referrals &...


Analyze store & ad data across dozens of metrics. Find what's working and get tips for improvement.

"Never interrupt your competitors when they're making mistakes" is great advice. But how can YOU do competitive research on your own store? The answer is ShopScore. ShopScore compares everything from your store performance to Facebook Ads and Google Ads data, giving you an easy-to-understand report of where you stand, what's working, and how to improve. Your competitors won't tell you that - but ShopScore will. ONLY AVAILABLE FOR STORES WITH OVER 100 MONTHLY ORDERS.

"Never interrupt your competitors when they're making mistakes" is great advice. But how can YOU do competitive research on your own store? The answer is ShopScore. ShopScore compares everything from your store performance to Facebook Ads and Google Ads data, giving you an easy-to-understand report of where you stand, what's working, and how to improve. Your competitors won't tell you that - but ShopScore will. ONLY AVAILABLE FOR STORES WITH OVER 100 MONTHLY ORDERS. more
  • See how your AOV and LTV or CLV stack up against the competition
  • Benchmark your CPA and ROAS against other stores in your vertical
  • Analyze your repeat customer ratio and repurchase frequency vs. your competitors
  • Find the best way to split your budget between Facebook Ads & Google Ads
  • Check the impact of increasing or decreasing your ad spend on your store revenue


  • Provides comprehensive competitive analysis across various metrics including store performance, Facebook Ads, and Google Ads data
  • Helps identify areas of improvement by comparing key performance indicators such as AOV (Average Order Value), CLV (Customer Lifetime Value), CPA (Cost Per Acquisition), and ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) against competitors
  • Offers insight into customer behavior by analyzing repeat customer ratio and repurchase frequency
  • Guides optimal budget allocation between Facebook Ads and Google Ads
  • Assists in understanding the impact of changes in ad spend on store revenue
  • Easy-to-understand report simplifies complex competitive data for strategic decisions


  • Only available for stores with over 100 monthly orders, limiting accessibility for smaller businesses
  • The quality and accuracy of the analysis might be limited by the data available from competitors
  • Potential integration issues with stores not heavily reliant on Facebook and Google Ads

Top Helpful Reviews


Oct 11, 2024  on Shopify

I’m very disappointed to see the message: "We’re Sorry!" because you only accept stores with 100 orders. What you don't realize is that we have other stores with three times more orders, and the one we’re launching is still in its testing phase. I do not recommend your service at all , Because you treat your customers differently.

Vitality Hub

Jul 29, 2024  on Shopify

ShopScore compares your store's key metrics (like average order value, conversion rates, and ad spend) against industry benchmarks and even your direct competitors. This allows you to identify areas where you excel and where you can improve.


Jul 14, 2024  on Shopify

ShopScore is amazing! It provides insightful information like AOV, revenue trends, and repeat customer rates. The comparison feature shows how my store stacks up against others in the industry. Plus, it's free! A must-have for any ecommerce store owner.


Jul 13, 2024  on Shopify

This tool is great ! it gave us insights that we did not know about our own business and allowed us to focus our marketing efforts and budgets where they can have the most impact. An absolutely great tool and it's free !

סנדלי סולט ווטר & נעלי אולד סולס בישראל

Jul 13, 2024  on Shopify

The report gave me insights about my business that I did not know and effective recommendations to improve advertising. Highly recommend


Jul 06, 2024  on Shopify

This app offers the insights and recommendations needed to elevate your advertising efforts. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to gain a competitive edge in the digital marketplace.

גלורי עיצובים בע״מ

Jul 03, 2024  on Shopify

There are no such things! The insights generated have allowed me to fine-tune my advertising campaigns effectively. By understanding where my competitors excel and where there are gaps.

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