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Unveiled Tracking

Develop by Veighl
Free App

Branded order tracking page with order lookup functionality

Engage customers
Branded tracking pages
Order lookup functionality
Drive website traffic
Inform shipment status
Reduce wismo inquiries

About Unveiled Tracking

Launched Apr 02, 2024


Built by Veighl

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Easily create branded tracking pages that engage customers at every step of their shipment status.

Create beautifully branded shipment tracking pages to engage with your customers through every mile of their shipment progress. Create branded tracking pages for orders shipped with carriers like USPS, UPS, DHL Express & Canada Post. Don't drive valuable traffic to carrier sites. Drive your customers attention to your site to create product upsell and product education opportunities.

Create beautifully branded shipment tracking pages to engage with your customers through every mile of their shipment progress. Create branded tracking pages for orders shipped with carriers like USPS, UPS, DHL Express & Canada Post. Don't drive valuable traffic to carrier sites. Drive your customers attention to your site to create product upsell and product education opportunities. more
  • Easily create beautifully branded shipment tracking pages with a few clicks.
  • Drive repeatable traffic to your website instead of carrier tracking sites.
  • Inform customers of their shipment status.
  • Reduce customer WISMO (Where's my Order) inquires.


  • Allows creation of beautifully branded shipment tracking pages, enhancing customer engagement
  • Supports multiple carriers including USPS, UPS, DHL Express, and Canada Post
  • Keeps valuable traffic on the user's site rather than redirecting to carrier sites, creating upsell and product education opportunities
  • Helps inform customers about their shipment status, reducing WISMO (Where's my Order) inquiries
  • Easy to create and customize tracking pages with just a few clicks


  • Potential challenge in integrating with all supported carriers efficiently
  • Requires ongoing maintenance to ensure branding remains consistent and up-to-date
  • May require additional customer support resources to handle complex inquiries not addressed by tracking pages
  • Relies on accurate carrier data for effective tracking, which may not always be available or timely

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