Customer Engagement Tool logo

Customer Engagement Tool

Develop by
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Build customers relationship through Tapz

    Email capture
    Promotion tools
    Sticky banner
    Popup banner
    Social share
    Social chat
    Contact form widget
    Lead form

    About Customer Engagement Tool

    Launched Apr 08, 2021


    Built by

    Email :

    [email protected]


    A-72, Shiv Vihar, Uttam Nagar, DL, 110059, IN

    Website Privacy policy


    Build customers relationship through Tapz

    Convert your site visitors into customers by engaging through Tapz and grow audience using Promotion tools, Social share widget and Social chat platform.

    Convert your site visitors into customers by engaging through Tapz and grow audience using Promotion tools, Social share widget and Social chat platform. more
    • Sticky and Popup Banner
    • Social and Contact Form Widget
    • Lead Form and Email


    • Engages site visitors through interactive tools such as Tapz
    • Helps grow audience using Promotion tools
    • Includes a Social share widget to increase social media presence
    • Integrates Social chat platform for real-time customer engagement
    • Offers Sticky and Popup Banners for enhanced visibility
    • Provides Social and Contact Form Widgets to gather customer information
    • Includes Lead Form and Email capabilities for easy follow-ups


    • May require a learning curve to effectively use all features
    • Popup banners can be intrusive if not configured properly
    • Dependence on internet connectivity for real-time engagement
    • Potential for increased site load time due to multiple widgets
    • Limited customization options if template-based designs are used
    • Might be overwhelming for very small businesses due to the array of features

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