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Shopify Forms

Develop by Shopify
Free App

Capture customer information to grow your marketing list

Customizable design
Customer segmentation
Lead capture forms
Data collection
Performance metrics
Pop-ups and overlays
Discounts and triggers
Account request forms
83 Reviews

About Shopify Forms

Launched Nov 01, 2022



Grow your contact list and convert new leads with Shopify’s customizable forms tool.

Shopify Forms lets you easily add a lead capture form to your store, so you can connect with potential customers and convert them into lifelong fans. Collect information with pop-ups, overlays, or in-line forms. Add colors and images to your form, and customize messaging, discounts, and more. Collect the data you need, from email to phone number to custom metafields. Shop users can even save discounts you offer for later. Analyze performance metrics to learn and improve.

Shopify Forms lets you easily add a lead capture form to your store, so you can connect with potential customers and convert them into lifelong fans. Collect information with pop-ups, overlays, or in-line forms. Add colors and images to your form, and customize messaging, discounts, and more. Collect the data you need, from email to phone number to custom metafields. Shop users can even save discounts you offer for later. Analyze performance metrics to learn and improve. more
  • Capture leads with pop ups and in-line forms, and tag new customers
  • Customize forms with text, images, metafields, discounts, and triggers
  • Capture wholesale leads with customizable account request forms
  • Boost conversions among 100M+ Shop users, automatically
  • Store, segment, and leverage customer data—all within a secure platform

Email marketing features

  • Campaign types: Discounts, Exit intent, Forms, Landing pages, Pop-ups, Welcome emails
  • Managing campaigns: Analytics, Automations, Consent collection, Editor tool, Email capture list, Reporting, SMS capture list, Segmentation, Tagging, Targeting, Tracking, Triggers and rules

Introduction Video


  • Easily add lead capture forms to the store using pop-ups, overlays, or in-line forms
  • Customizable with text, images, metafields, discounts, and triggers
  • Ability to capture diverse data types such as email, phone number, and custom metafields
  • Integration with Shopify with features to store, segment, and leverage customer data securely
  • Supports various campaign types including discounts, exit intent, forms, landing pages, pop-ups, and welcome emails
  • Rich features such as analytics, automations, consent collection, segmentation, and targeting
  • Boosts conversions among 100M+ Shop users automatically
  • Positive user reviews highlighting simplicity, ease of use, and improved sign-up conversion
  • Free of cost


  • Limited display options for pop-up forms, only to first-time visitors
  • Issues reported related to form submission visibility and email notifications
  • Inability to add backup email for submission notifications or SMS feature for immediate response
  • Some users report difficulty in saving form changes and unresponsive support
  • Slow loading times leading to potential customer bounce
  • Improvements needed for customization options such as form IDs and width settings

Rating And Reviews


Sep 11, 2024  on Shopify

Good app

nanosun s.r.o.

Sep 11, 2024  on Shopify

It works, but you cannot style it because it is inside a shadow-root, and you cannot translate the content in multiple languages. Workaround is to copy paste the form and make different ones for each language, filtering in the code on selected localization / language. But I expected a Shopify app to at least provide the possibility to translate in their own translation app Translate & Adapt...

Sad ♥ Bad Society

Sep 08, 2024  on Shopify

love it !

Heaven and Hell

Sep 06, 2024  on Shopify

pretty good!


Sep 06, 2024  on Shopify

Used this app to create a standalone newsletter sign up page on my shop, perfect for what I needed. It also integrates with the Emails app (made by Shopify) for sending welcome emails automatically.

Warrior Winches USA

Sep 05, 2024  on Shopify

Simple forms that are easy to get going but the lack of being able to add CSS styling or other basic layout options is a definite drawback. Works fine for basic forms.


Sep 03, 2024  on Shopify

Lacks a few simple features and flexibility. But it still good.

Kaylo Obalum

Sep 03, 2024  on Shopify

Love how it integrates nicely with shopify emails, shopify flow, shopify discounts and allows easy tagging (which you'll use for flow). Love that its free! Once a template was created in the theme customiser, it was straightforward to add the app block and then input the app ID so it appeared on the page.

Fidel Verta

Sep 02, 2024  on Shopify


Sep 01, 2024  on Shopify

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