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Seller Ledger


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30 Days Free Trial

Simple, automated accounting software for eCommerce merchants.

Syncs order details
Connects sales channels
Tracks inventory
Calculates cogs
Estimates taxes
Tracks per-item profit

About Seller Ledger

Launched Mar 08, 2024


Built by Seller Ledger Inc


Simple, automated accounting software designed specifically for eCommerce businesses.

Connect to Shopify and other sales channels directly from within our software. We pull in the full order details: item sale price, discounts, shipping collected, fees, sales tax collected and more. All of our channel integrations are custom-built - no need to use 3rd party integrations or connectors. Plus, we sync with nearly all banks and credit cards. Track inventory, cost of goods sold, per-item profitability and be ready at tax time. All at a fraction of the cost of other solutions.

Connect to Shopify and other sales channels directly from within our software. We pull in the full order details: item sale price, discounts, shipping collected, fees, sales tax collected and more. All of our channel integrations are custom-built - no need to use 3rd party integrations or connectors. Plus, we sync with nearly all banks and credit cards. Track inventory, cost of goods sold, per-item profitability and be ready at tax time. All at a fraction of the cost of other solutions. more
  • Automatically syncs order-level details and fees from your Shopify store.
  • Also syncs other sales channels, banks and credit cards.
  • Tracks inventory, calculates cost of goods sold and per-item profit.
  • Provides estimated tax calculations and a pre-populated Schedule-C tax report.
  • Easy to use, get started in minutes. Free 30-day trial, no credit card required.


  • Simple and automated accounting software tailored for eCommerce merchants
  • Direct integration with Shopify and other sales channels without the need for 3rd party connectors
  • Comprehensive data sync including order details, item sale price, discounts, shipping collected, fees, and sales tax
  • Syncs with nearly all banks and credit cards
  • Tracks inventory, calculates cost of goods sold, and per-item profitability
  • Prepares for tax time with estimated tax calculations and a pre-populated Schedule-C tax report
  • User-friendly and easy to get started with a free 30-day trial, no credit card required
  • Cost-effective compared to other solutions


  • Limited to eCommerce merchants, not suitable for other types of businesses
  • Dependence on channel integrations may face issues if there are any sync problems
  • Lack of detailed customization options for advanced accounting needs
  • The effectiveness and accuracy of the estimated tax calculations might be limited
  • Support for non-Shopify platforms and sales channels might require further verification

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