VerifiedCan Get Video Reviews logo

VerifiedCan Get Video Reviews

Develop by RTBase


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available

    Auto-Collect & Leverage customers reviews. Video, Image & Text

    Video reviews
    Boost conversions
    Social proof
    Image reviews
    Text reviews
    Automate reviews

    About VerifiedCan Get Video Reviews

    Launched Jul 27, 2020


    Built by RTBase

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Atzionot 37, Holonn, 5851425, IL

    Website Privacy policy


    #Let your customers record a video review or take a snapshot image in one click #Automate your Shop Reviews & Social Proof to Boost Conversions #Verified Can Skyrocket Your Shop Reviews in one click! All type of reviews including site boosters. #Social Proof Make your site feel more human by displaying Social Proof. People are always influenced by the actions and recommendations of others. It’s a powerful marketing tool that can dramatically increase your sales and conversions. Implement it...

    #Let your customers record a video review or take a snapshot image in one click #Automate your Shop Reviews & Social Proof to Boost Conversions #Verified Can Skyrocket Your Shop Reviews in one click! All type of reviews including site boosters. #Social Proof Make your site feel more human by displaying Social Proof. People are always influenced by the actions and recommendations of others. It’s a powerful marketing tool that can dramatically increase your sales and conversions. Implement it... more

    Introduction Video

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