Revi | Customer Reviews logo

Revi | Customer Reviews


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available

    Collect easily product & customer reviews for your store

    Google shopping compatibility
    Email automation
    Customized widgets
    Enhance seo
    12 Reviews

    About Revi | Customer Reviews

    Launched May 01, 2020



    Email :

    [email protected]


    C/ Grabador Enguidanos, 47, Valencia, V, 46015, ES

    Website Privacy policy FAQ


    Review platform for your ecommerce. Just verified product and store reviews.

    Grow tour website or ecommerce trustability with your costumers' feedback. Get product and store reviews and increase your visibility on Google with the well known golden stars. - We are Google Partners: Google Shopping compatible reviews - Start for free and upgrade your plan only when it's needed - Customize widgets to fit your brand colours - Personalized emails automation service - Impact SEO with organic user content

    Grow tour website or ecommerce trustability with your costumers' feedback. Get product and store reviews and increase your visibility on Google with the well known golden stars. - We are Google Partners: Google Shopping compatible reviews - Start for free and upgrade your plan only when it's needed - Customize widgets to fit your brand colours - Personalized emails automation service - Impact SEO with organic user content more
    • Real and reliable opinions
    • We are Google Partner. Product stars will appear in Google search and Shopping.
    • Choose your plan from "Free" to "Unlimited"

    Introduction Video


    • Google Shopping compatible reviews
    • Start for free and upgrade plan when needed
    • Customizable widgets to fit brand colors
    • Personalized email automation service
    • Impacts SEO with organic user content
    • Product stars appear in Google search and Shopping
    • Real and reliable opinions as a Google Partner


    • Limited features in free plan
    • Potential cost increase with plan upgrade
    • Customization options may require some technical knowledge
    • Possible delays in customer support response

    Rating And Reviews

    MO Shop

    Jul 07, 2024  on Shopify

    Electronics See

    Mar 04, 2024  on Shopify

    The technical support from Revi is commendable. They are quick to respond and resolve any issues, making it a reliable choice for our business communication needs.

    Glow Flakes

    Feb 29, 2024  on Shopify

    Revi has been key in talking to our customers better. It fits right into our system and is easy for everyone to use. The Google partnership makes us more visible online and helps build our trust.

    Latte Luxe

    Feb 19, 2024  on Shopify

    Using Revi has helped us get more customer reach. Their adjustable subscriptions are great when yu're starting.


    Feb 14, 2024  on Shopify

    Revi made it really easy for us to hear what our customers think. it needs some improvements, hope they will add more features and customization options.

    Fit Byte

    Feb 10, 2024  on Shopify

    The Revi team is great at helping. They fix my problems fast. I'd like to have more customization on free plan.

    Fashion Kid

    Jan 29, 2024  on Shopify

    We like how Revi keeps adding new things to help our business stay on top of customer feedback and engagement

    Sales heaven

    Jan 24, 2024  on Shopify

    Revi has been really important for our customer service. It's easy to use and helps us listen to our customers. The best part is how Revi works with Google.


    Jan 11, 2024  on Shopify

    Revi is simple for us to use, even if we're not good with technology. It's helped us use customer feedback well, and we're selling more and earning trust

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