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Return Flag

Develop by Return Radar
Free App

Eliminate returns from policy abusers

Monitor overall returns
Detailed behavioral data
Flag and adjust policy
Customizable policy messaging

About Return Flag

Launched Apr 24, 2024


Built by Return Radar

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Find out if customers are abusing your return policy. Eliminate returns from those who are.

Return Flag allows merchants to find customers who are abusing their return policy, flag the "bad apples," and automatically change the policy for the customers they flag. Not all customers are created equal. Return Flag is rethinking the blanket return policy that worked before e-commerce was the norm. Now, merchants deserve to save time and money by implementing a return policy that rewards good customer behavior and punishes the bad.

Return Flag allows merchants to find customers who are abusing their return policy, flag the "bad apples," and automatically change the policy for the customers they flag. Not all customers are created equal. Return Flag is rethinking the blanket return policy that worked before e-commerce was the norm. Now, merchants deserve to save time and money by implementing a return policy that rewards good customer behavior and punishes the bad. more
  • Dashboard to monitor overall store returns
  • Customer list with detailed behavioral data on returns
  • Ability to flag customers based on data, changing return policy for abusers
  • Customizable copy for customer-facing return policy messaging


  • Helps merchants save money by identifying and managing return policy abusers
  • Provides a dashboard to monitor overall store returns, offering valuable insights
  • Offers a customizable return policy, allowing merchants to tailor policies for different customer behaviors
  • Customer list includes detailed behavioral data on returns, enabling targeted action
  • Automates the process of flagging customers and adjusting their return policies, saving time


  • May potentially alienate or discourage legitimate customers who could be falsely flagged
  • Requires careful configuration and oversight to ensure fair implementation of return policies
  • Dependence on data accuracy for proper functioning, any inaccuracies can affect policy decisions
  • Might face pushback from customers who perceive policy changes as punitive

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