Rave! Reviews & Ali Importer logo

Rave! Reviews & Ali Importer

Develop by Rave Reviews
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Add social proof and trust with Product Reviews & UGC

    Customizable styling
    Automated emails
    Email reminders
    Customer reviews
    Offer discounts
    Visual reviews
    Display ugc
    1 Reviews

    About Rave! Reviews & Ali Importer

    Launched Sep 29, 2023


    Built by Rave Reviews


    Product Reviews made simple! Improve sales and add credibility to your store with social proof!

    Allow customers to show others how happy they are with their purchase by leaving feedback about their experiences on your store. Offer discounts for customers who take the time to share reviews about your products. Send out email reminders after customers receive their orders asking them to tell others about their experience. Show your customers that others were happy with their purchase by displaying photos, videos, and reviews on your product pages!

    Allow customers to show others how happy they are with their purchase by leaving feedback about their experiences on your store. Offer discounts for customers who take the time to share reviews about your products. Send out email reminders after customers receive their orders asking them to tell others about their experience. Show your customers that others were happy with their purchase by displaying photos, videos, and reviews on your product pages! more
    • Get feedback about your products with automated emails!
    • Make customers trust your product by showing them reviews with pictures!
    • Style your app to make it look like it goes with the style of your website!


    • Allows customers to leave feedback about their purchase experiences
    • Offers discounts to customers who share reviews, incentivizing more reviews
    • Automates email reminders to collect feedback after orders are received
    • Displays customer photos, videos, and reviews on product pages to build trust
    • Helps increase social proof and trust in products
    • Enables customization to match the app's style with the website's design


    • Over-reliance on customer incentives might lead to biased reviews
    • Automated emails might be perceived as spam by some customers
    • Photo and video reviews might require moderation to ensure appropriate content
    • Customization options might not cover all design preferences or needs
    • Technical integration issues could arise depending on the store's existing technology stack
    • Email reminders might annoy some customers, leading to negative feedback

    Rating And Reviews

    Adrenaline Clothing Company

    Oct 31, 2023  on Shopify

    Easy , useful and very effective app for online stores .. Highly recommended ..

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