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Free plan available

Build complex marketing automations easily by drag and drop

Personalized emails
Drag-and-drop builder
Email templates
Sales pipelines
Contact management
Advanced sales funnels
Automatic shopify reactions
Weekly newsletters
Follow-up campaigns

About Quentn

Launched Aug 18, 2021


Built by Quentn.com GmbH

Email :

[email protected]


Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 51, Potsdam, 14469, DE

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ZB: Exit Intent Pop up Window logo
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Build advanced marketing automations easily with just a few clicks.

Quentn is a newsletter and marketing automation solution for your business. Quentn lets you create advanced sales funnels for your Shopify customers with just a few clicks. React automatically on Shopify events like new orders or abandoned carts and send personalized emails to your customers. Get your customers exited with weekly newsletters about your latest special offers, discount codes product recommendations.

Quentn is a newsletter and marketing automation solution for your business. Quentn lets you create advanced sales funnels for your Shopify customers with just a few clicks. React automatically on Shopify events like new orders or abandoned carts and send personalized emails to your customers. Get your customers exited with weekly newsletters about your latest special offers, discount codes product recommendations. more
  • Create impressive email templates and build beautiful follow up email campaigns
  • Build advanced, automated campaigns with drag & drop and just a few clicks
  • Manage your contacts flexibly at one glance. Assign tags, fields and much more
  • Manage your leads and customers with sales pipelines to improve your business


  • Easy drag and drop interface to build complex marketing automations
  • Ability to create advanced sales funnels for Shopify customers
  • Automated reactions to Shopify events like new orders or abandoned carts
  • Option to send personalized emails to customers
  • Weekly newsletter capabilities for special offers, discount codes, and product recommendations
  • Impressive email template creation
  • Flexible contact management with tagging and field options
  • Sales pipeline management to improve business efficiency
  • Quick setup with only a few clicks


  • Limited to Shopify platform users; not beneficial for those using other ecommerce platforms
  • Customization options might be less advanced compared to some competitors
  • Potential learning curve for those unfamiliar with marketing automation tools
  • May require additional effort to fully integrate advanced sales funnel strategies
  • Limited reviews, making it harder to get a comprehensive understanding of user experience

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