Showing 40 to 51 of 31 Apps

Measure and improve the profitability of every promotion.

Roi tracking
Profit insights
Customer analysis
Benchmarking tools
Recommended actions
Discount performance

Simplified analytics and personalized recommendations

Automated integrations
Real-time dashboard
Scenario planner
  • $29.9-$129.9 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 14 Days Free Trial
9 Reviews

Low-price products & reliable services from China dropshipping

Bulk order fulfillment
Add products easily
Auto update inventory
Advanced price setting
Track logistics automatically
  • $9 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial

Inventory Management Simplified

Barcode scanning
Real-time tracking
Batch tracking
User access control

Run a Shipping A/B test to find your profitable shipping price

Customization options
Real-time results
Free shipping thresholds
Test shipping rates
Conversion impact analysis
Graphical metrics

Create a ripple effect using your new customer community.

Vip tiers
Digital wallets
Referral programs
Custom programs
Cashback offers
  • $9 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial

Inventory Management Simplified

Order fulfillment
Barcode scanning
Detailed reporting
Real-time tracking
Multi-location management
Stock accuracy

Avoid lost eyewear sales by providing easy PD measurements

Reduce cart abandonment
Seamless pd measurement
Minimize returns
Increase customer confidence
Ai-powered precision
Binocular pd measurement

Crack the code to your e-commerce profitability

Actionable insights
Track orders
Analyze orders
P&l statements
Manage cashflows

The single source of truth for your eCommerce business

Customer retention
Cohort analysis
Budget allocation
Influencer management
Creative analysis
Instant reports access

Increase your AOV with a Tiered Progress Bar and Upsell

Customizable design
Geolocation targeting
One-click upsell
Tiered progress bar
Automatic discount creation