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Motherapp Loyalty

Develop by motherapp


/ Month

Boost loyalty with rewards, seamless redemption, intuitive mem

Targeted messaging
Multi-channel messaging
Loyalty sync integration
Flexible rule crafting
Promotion tools exclusivity
Earn and burn options
Engagement data utilization

About Motherapp Loyalty

Launched Oct 30, 2024


Built by motherapp

BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
(1,907 Reviews)
$25-$349 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • Verified
  • Sponsored

Loyalty rewards program with points, POS, referrals &...


Enable seamless O2O integration, personalized rewards for retail, enhanced retention.

1. Seamless Shopify-offline loyalty sync for enriched insights. 2. Craft flexible rules for cohesive customer journeys. 3. Dynamically segment and engage with targeted messaging. 4. Utilize promotion tools with special features and exclusives. 5. Enable diverse earn and burn options for rewards. 6. Harness comprehensive engagement data for growth. 7. Send message across different channel, including email and sms

1. Seamless Shopify-offline loyalty sync for enriched insights. 2. Craft flexible rules for cohesive customer journeys. 3. Dynamically segment and engage with targeted messaging. 4. Utilize promotion tools with special features and exclusives. 5. Enable diverse earn and burn options for rewards. 6. Harness comprehensive engagement data for growth. 7. Send message across different channel, including email and sms more
  • Shopify Integration: Connect account to O2O loyalty easily.
  • Personalized Offers: Tailored promotions, featured content.
  • Seamless O2O Coupon: Redeem points, unlock O2O coupon.
  • Customer Segmentation: Classify by demographics, RFM behavior.
  • Data-Driven BI Dashboard: Access 20+ strategic reports.


  • Seamless integration with Shopify for syncing loyalty data offline, providing enriched insights
  • Ability to craft flexible rules for customer journeys, allowing for customization
  • Dynamic segmentation and targeted messaging to engage customers more effectively
  • Promotion tools with special features and exclusives to enhance marketing strategies
  • Diverse earn and burn options for rewards, offering flexibility to customers
  • Comprehensive engagement data useful for driving business growth
  • Capability to send messages across different channels, including email and SMS, enhancing communication flexibility
  • Personalized offers and tailored promotions to increase customer satisfaction
  • O2O coupon redemption feature enhances offline-to-online loyalty experiences
  • Customer segmentation based on demographics and RFM behavior provides detailed targeting
  • Data-driven BI dashboard with access to over 20 strategic reports aids strategic planning


  • Limited information on customer support and issue resolution experiences
  • Potential complexity in setting up and managing dynamic segments and flexible rules
  • Dependence on integration with Shopify may limit functionality for non-Shopify users
  • Initial setup could be time-consuming due to the extensive customization options

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