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Custom Reviews

Develop by Custom Reviews


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14 Days Free Trial

Get valuable customer feedbacks on your products

Pre-built templates
Review moderation
Custom forms
Theme-friendly design
Form customization

About Custom Reviews

Launched Nov 08, 2015


Built by Custom Reviews

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ZB: Exit Intent Pop up Window logo
(42 Reviews)
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With Custom Reviews you can add custom built, unique forms to all products or static pages.

Build up your own form or use pre-built templates. Use it for product reviews, store feedback, contact form or any kind of forms you want. Look of forms and reviews inherit the styles of your site. Or you can add custom styles for each element. Customer feedbacks can help you to increase the sales of your products and achiveve higher customer satisfaction.

Build up your own form or use pre-built templates. Use it for product reviews, store feedback, contact form or any kind of forms you want. Look of forms and reviews inherit the styles of your site. Or you can add custom styles for each element. Customer feedbacks can help you to increase the sales of your products and achiveve higher customer satisfaction. more
  • Easily customizable forms: build up your own form or use pre-built templates
  • Multi-purpose: use it for product reviews, store feedback, contact form or any k
  • Theme-friendly design: forms and reviews fits into your store’s design
  • Reviews from your customers: read, reply or moderate your reviews


  • Easily customizable forms: Users can build their own forms or use pre-built templates, offering flexibility
  • Multi-purpose functionality: The app can be used for product reviews, store feedback, contact forms, or any other type of form, making it versatile
  • Theme-friendly design: Forms and reviews inherit the site's style, ensuring a cohesive look with the store's theme
  • Customer engagement: Allows businesses to read, reply to, or moderate reviews, enhancing interaction with customers
  • Potential for increased sales: Customer feedback can provide insights that help improve products and customer satisfaction, potentially boosting sales


  • Potential complexity in customization: While customizable, new users might find building forms from scratch challenging without guidance or experience
  • Design limitations: The app inherits styles from the site, which might limit design customizations for users wanting a completely different look
  • No clear mention of integration capabilities: The description does not specify if or how the app integrates with other platforms or systems
  • Limited information on data handling: The description lacks details on how customer data is managed or protected, which could be a concern for data-conscious users

Top Helpful Reviews


Dec 15, 2017  on Shopify

Just wanted to write a review on this to add a positive one to the collection. It only takes a little patience to let the app do what it does. It is a very simple app. You create the custom fields you want in a form and then the app gives you some code to add to where you want the form to show. Once someone fills out the form, and the review is approved, it will display under the form. It does not display instantly. It took a few hours for mine to display but it does work very well. There is nothing else to do. Just add the little string of code into where you want it to show up and that's it. Then your job is to just approve the reviews. The reviews are stored in product meta fields, so you can get the Metafields Editor app and edit something if you need to.

Drinkin Threads

Mar 01, 2017  on Shopify

Like the review below me, I will also bash them. Same issues. No explaination on how to setup. Upon installation it completely messes with my template settings even though it's supposed to "adapt" to my theme settings. Great potential. Would love to see someone get behind this and actually work on improving it


May 26, 2016  on Shopify

Could be a good product, but there is no explanation of how to use it. Nothing. I contacted the developer and its been 5 days and no reply. I am finding that they only way to get support these days is the bash the company in a review. So I'm bashing. Ill remove it if you reply and offer some help. Its not a free app.

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