Better Customer Reviews logo

Better Customer Reviews

Develop by Kompile ApS


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 5 Days Free Trial

    Add customer reviews to your product, collection and cart page

    Product reviews
    Customizable look
    Collection reviews
    Cart reviews
    No theme edits

    About Better Customer Reviews

    Launched Nov 16, 2017


    Built by Kompile ApS

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Langfredparken 64, Sabro, 8471, DK

    Website Privacy policy


    Easily add customer ratings to your site

    Our app makes it easy to display customer reviews on your store without having to make any direct theme edits. Simply install our app, customize the look and feel of your reviews section to match your store, and start showcasing the positive feedback from your satisfied customers. Positive customer reviews are incredibly important for ecommerce conversion rates. They serve as social proof, helping to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

    Our app makes it easy to display customer reviews on your store without having to make any direct theme edits. Simply install our app, customize the look and feel of your reviews section to match your store, and start showcasing the positive feedback from your satisfied customers. Positive customer reviews are incredibly important for ecommerce conversion rates. They serve as social proof, helping to build trust and credibility with potential customers. more
    • Easily add customer reviews to Product pages
    • Easily add customer reviews to Collection pages
    • Easily add customer reviews to Cart pages

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