Let customers contact you via Voice Message
205, Pukhraj Corporate, Navlakha Main Road, Indore, MP, 452009, IN
Website Privacy policyYou can record the voicemail, and then you can listen to the recording before sending it. You can see all the voicemails sent to you in-app and you can play the voicemail from the same place. You can also track from which page of your store, the voicemail was sent. You can configure the app to send you the voice mail on your personal email as well. You can configure the email template and can also configure the thank you message and redirect the URL after sending a voice mail.
WhatsApp Platform Including Automation, Abandoned Carts...
AI Chat Innovation: Enhancing Sales and Improving Service
Enhance Help center: WhatsApp, Live chat, FAQs, Inbox, Chatbot...
Talkvisor: Human-like AI Chat Bot! Live chat,FB chat,email,.....