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Smart Visual Search

Develop by VisionBrain


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 7 Days Free Trial

    Enable AI-Powered Image Search on Your Store

    Customizable widget
    One-click setup
    Automatic catalog sync
    User-friendly ui
    Fast apparel search
    2 Reviews

    About Smart Visual Search

    Launched Jan 04, 2021


    Built by VisionBrain

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Hamad Ben Mohammed St, Creative Tower, Office 1309, Fujairah, FU, 4422, AE

    Website Privacy policy


    Enable AI-Powered, High-Precision Image Search on Your Store.

    By enabling visual search in your store, your customers can upload an image that seems inspiring to them and search your catalog for visually similar products. Some customers have a specific product in mind when they arrive in your online store. If they have a visual search option, they can quickly find their product. By providing a fast and fun search option to your customers, increase user engagement and customer satisfaction. Sit back and watch a significant boost in your conversion rates!

    By enabling visual search in your store, your customers can upload an image that seems inspiring to them and search your catalog for visually similar products. Some customers have a specific product in mind when they arrive in your online store. If they have a visual search option, they can quickly find their product. By providing a fast and fun search option to your customers, increase user engagement and customer satisfaction. Sit back and watch a significant boost in your conversion rates! more
    • One-click Setup
    • Customize the Smart Visual Search widget in your theme's settings
    • User-Friendly UI for Customers
    • Fast and Accurate Apparel Search Engine
    • Automatic Catalog Sync


    • Enhances customer engagement and satisfaction by providing a fast and fun search option
    • Can significantly boost conversion rates
    • Allows customers to upload images to find visually similar products quickly, catering to those with specific products in mind
    • One-click setup makes it easy to enable on your store
    • Customizable widget to match your store's theme settings
    • User-friendly UI enhances customer experience
    • Fast and accurate apparel search engine improves search results
    • Automatic catalog sync keeps the search database up to date without manual intervention


    • May require high-quality images for optimal search results, limiting effectiveness for customers with lower-quality images
    • Implementation could be complex for stores with large and diverse catalogs, potentially requiring additional customization
    • Dependence on AI technology could lead to occasional misidentification of products
    • Potential privacy concerns from customers about uploading personal images

    Rating And Reviews

    Emaarkt Global

    Jul 23, 2021  on Shopify

    An absolute stunner. Initially there were some issues with image search and disturbance on my index page. However developer quickly fixed those issues and now it seems so unique that you can search products through images and moreover upon search the results are quite promising. Great job!!!!

    Vanity Island Magazine

    Jan 23, 2021  on Shopify

    100% recommend! Amazing application, and great attentive customer service, always respond within 24hrs and willing to go out of their way. Lots of potential when more features become available!

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