Vinted Reviews logo

Vinted Reviews

Develop by Fuznet


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 7 Days Free Trial

    Display your vinted customer reviews.

    Language translation
    Automatic synchronization
    Badge display
    Carousel display
    2 Reviews

    About Vinted Reviews

    Launched May 24, 2023


    Built by Fuznet

    Email :

    [email protected]


    1 lotissement les jardins des terrasses, Gap, 05000, FR

    Website Support Portal Privacy policy FAQ


    Increase awareness of your online store by displaying reviews from your Vinted customers.

    Increase the confidence of your visitors by displaying the customer reviews you have received on your Vinted account. Use the notoriety of the Vinted marketplace to increase your sales on your online store.

    Increase the confidence of your visitors by displaying the customer reviews you have received on your Vinted account. Use the notoriety of the Vinted marketplace to increase your sales on your online store. more
    • Automatic daily synchronization of your Vinted reviews.
    • Badge and carousel display.
    • Translate customer review widgets into your language.


    • Increase the confidence of your visitors by displaying customer reviews
    • Leverage the notoriety of the Vinted marketplace to boost store sales
    • Automatic daily synchronization of Vinted reviews
    • Options to display reviews in badge and carousel formats
    • Capability to translate review widgets into different languages


    • Relies heavily on the volume and quality of reviews on Vinted
    • Potential issues with synchronization if Vinted API changes
    • Limited to users who have active Vinted accounts and existing reviews

    Rating And Reviews

    Retro Cash

    May 09, 2024  on Shopify

    Une super idée d’application et indispensable pour toute personne qui passe de Vinted à Shopify !!


    Dec 16, 2023  on Shopify

    Super, installation simple.

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