Variant Options Info, Color Swatch Name & SKU in Product Title
Launched May 01, 2019
StarApps Studio LLP, 404, Amar Business Park, Baner Road, Baner, Pune, MH, 411045, IN
Website Privacy policyChange Product Title (Product Name) based on selected variant options. Clearly specify which variant the customer has selected & help them make confident decisions. Easy to use: Just create a product title template using variables in the app's dashboard. The Product Title template can include Variant Options info like Color Swatch Names, SKU, Product Type, Product Vendor, etc. Works with all themes & top variant apps like Swatch King, Variant Image Automator, Variant Descriptions King, etc
Group products as variants, show variants as color swatches...
This app can create infinite product options.
Color swatch | Image swatch for collection and product pages....
Customize color swatches and add multiple variant images
Endless variant options to fully customize your products.
Variator:Show variants on collection pages as separate product...
Bulk edit products, update Google Shopping fields &...
Live price calculator for custom options & bulk products...