ProductBuddy logo


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Create Unique SEO-Friendly Titles & Descriptions for Products

Content optimization
Ai-generated descriptions
Seo-friendly titles
Title generator
Description enhancer

About ProductBuddy

Launched Jul 12, 2023


Built by Onlinestorebiz LLC

Email :

[email protected]


500 North Rainbow Blvd, Suite 300, Las Vegas, NV, 89107, US

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Generate unique SEO-friendly product titles and descriptions using content-first AI.


  • Creates unique SEO-friendly titles and descriptions for products
  • Helps improve search engine rankings
  • Simplifies the process of writing product descriptions
  • Time-saving by generating content quickly
  • Possibility to attract more customers with optimized content


  • May not always capture the exact tone or style desired
  • Generated content might require additional editing
  • Potential for repetitive or generic descriptions

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