Trusted Shops reviews and more logo

Customer reviews: Trusted Shops reviews and more

Reviews (19)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Opinions on "Trusted Shops Easy Integration" are mixed. While many users praise the app for its ease of installation and reliable functionality, others express dissatisfaction with customer service and the app's cost-effectiveness. There is also concern regarding contract terms and the impact on conversion rates for smaller businesses.

Key Strengths

  • Ease of installation and integration
  • Reliable functionality
  • Fast and helpful customer support
  • Certified customer badges
  • Professional and trustworthy service

Common Concerns

  • User-unfriendly service with limited regional support
  • Issues with contract terms and auto-renewal policies
  • High cost with questionable value for money
  • Lack of noticeable impact on conversion rates for some users

Final Thoughts

"Trusted Shops Easy Integration" is generally well-received for its ease of use and reliable support. However, potential users should be cautious about contract terms and the app's financial impact, particularly if conversion rate improvement is a primary goal.

Jan 12, 2025  on Shopify

Leider eine sehr Nutzerunfreundliche App. Wir zahlen, obwohl wir NULL von eurem Service profieren. Wirklich extrem schlechter Service

Foie Gras Gourmet

Jan 23, 2024  on Shopify

It is a very costly solution, which unfairly locks you into a contract that automatically renews with 3 months' notice, which is not written in the signed contract but very briefly mentioned in their general conditions. Also, no notification or reminder is sent before the renewal deadline, which doesn't comply with German law.

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