TREX Parcel logo

TREX Parcel

Develop by Josh Yap
Free App

Seamless order tracking on your store with phone OTP

Customizable appearance
Real-time tracking
Phone otp
Delivery time data
Issue analysis
In-app support
Customer support link

Built by Josh Yap

BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
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Seamless order tracking with Malaysian couriers. Phone OTP for no-hassle tracking.

Say goodbye to email tracking hassles and hello to TREX Parcel. We're shaking up the world of order tracking! With just a phone number and an OTP, your customers can track orders from the comfort of your website. No more detours to random courier sites. And we didn't stop there! TREX Parcel throws in nifty in-app support, plus detailed insight on common issues and delivery times. All while putting the customer journey in the spotlight. TREX Parcel - order tracking just got a whole lot cooler!

Say goodbye to email tracking hassles and hello to TREX Parcel. We're shaking up the world of order tracking! With just a phone number and an OTP, your customers can track orders from the comfort of your website. No more detours to random courier sites. And we didn't stop there! TREX Parcel throws in nifty in-app support, plus detailed insight on common issues and delivery times. All while putting the customer journey in the spotlight. TREX Parcel - order tracking just got a whole lot cooler! more
  • Real-time order tracking via phone OTP
  • Comprehensive data on delivery times
  • Insightful analysis of common customer issues
  • Seamless tracking experience on your own website with customizable appearance
  • Effortlessly linked with your own customer support


  • Real-time tracking via phone OTP, eliminating the need for email tracking
  • Customers can track orders directly from the store's website, avoiding third-party courier sites
  • In-app support enhances customer service and experience
  • Provides comprehensive data on delivery times for better business insights
  • Offers analysis of common customer issues, helping businesses improve their service
  • Customizable tracking experience, tailored to match the store's branding and website appearance
  • Effortlessly integrates with the store's existing customer support system


  • Dependence on phone OTP might be inconvenient for users without phone access
  • Potential privacy concerns with using phone numbers for tracking
  • Requires store integration which could pose challenges for stores with more complex systems
  • Might not support all courier services, limiting its usability

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