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Schema App Total Schema Markup

Develop by Schema App


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Automatically generate Schema Markup for Product pages & more.

Automatic generation
Product pages
Rich results
14 Reviews

About Schema App Total Schema Markup

Launched Aug 31, 2017


Built by Schema App


C - 15 Wyndham St N, Guelph, ON, N1H4E4, CA

Website Support Portal Privacy policy


Create Schema Markup for your site to achieve rich results on Google, boosting traffic and sales.

Rating And Reviews


Jul 06, 2020  on Shopify

Recently installed schema app onto our website and very happy would definitely recommend. The follow-up email explains how to check that everything is working correctly. This company really care about what they do. I researched schema markup prior to installing the app, if you go to the schema app website you can do a FREE email course to really understand Schema Markup, also their product is recommended by Neil Patel who is a leading authority in the SEO industry. If you are new to Schema Markup check out their website they have a ton of useful info, also from the app home in Shopify you can click through to the knowledge base for answers to FAQ's. Customer support is also great. 100% recommend!

Singular Sleep

May 03, 2018  on Shopify

Mark and the Schema App team really have built something great here. Since I am not a developer and haphazardly adjusting theme files is scary, this app provided a great way for us to be schema compliant now and in the future. Thanks for all of your help!

Weed Box

Nov 22, 2017  on Shopify

We operate in a space where SEM is difficult. As in, we aren't really allowed to do it. Until the laws change, too bad for us. That is why organic inbound traffic and winning at SEO is a huge priority for us. Schema App has been an excellent partner in this strategy. We saw immediate results. Both our content and product pages are benefitting from this intuitive application. It should be noted that their support staff are very, very helpful. I often get stuck optimizing data and they generously set up a time to get me through any roadblocks. Prior to working with Schema App I did not even know I needed to think of schema data. Now, I don't know how we could compete without it. I cannot say enough good things about this app. :)

World Of Angus

Nov 22, 2017  on Shopify

Super easy setup. EXCELLENT results. It did not take us long to start noticing improvements in inbound traffic and search results. Schema data was this item on our to-do list for about a year. We did not even know where to start. Schema app makes this a breeze. There is a TON to understand and you will still need help to properly execute this strategy, but their support staff is excellent and help you get amazing results, fast. Their Yotpo integration and support are relatively new but we expect the same level of results.

Sniperskin Wholesale

Nov 22, 2017  on Shopify

Honestly, I don't understand this whole new world of Schema Markup, but Schema App specializes in it, so I don't have to understand it :) The team is great to work with, very responsive.

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