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Store Locator by ETG logo

Store Locator by ETG

Develop by ETG Digital


/ Month
10 Days Free Trial

Effortlessly find nearest stores with interactive maps and detailed info.

Interactive map
Store details
Location search
Directions integration

About Store Locator by ETG

Launched Feb 24, 2025


Built by ETG Digital

BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
(1,913 Reviews)
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Loyalty rewards program with points, POS, referrals &...


Help customers find nearby stores with an interactive map, location search, and store details.

Store Locator App helps merchants with multiple locations connect customers to their nearest store effortlessly. By providing an interactive map, location search, and detailed store information like hours, contact details, and services, the app bridges the gap between online and in-person shopping. Perfect for retailers, franchises, and businesses with physical outlets, it simplifies the customer journey, increases foot traffic, and enhances the overall shopping experience.

Store Locator App helps merchants with multiple locations connect customers to their nearest store effortlessly. By providing an interactive map, location search, and detailed store information like hours, contact details, and services, the app bridges the gap between online and in-person shopping. Perfect for retailers, franchises, and businesses with physical outlets, it simplifies the customer journey, increases foot traffic, and enhances the overall shopping experience. more
  • Interactive map with zoom and pan to display store locations effortlessly.
  • Location search by city to find nearby stores quick.
  • Store details like hours, contact info, and services at a glance.
  • Directions integration with Google maps for easy navigation.


  • Effortlessly find the nearest stores with the interactive map.
  • Helps merchants connect customers to their nearest store seamlessly.
  • Provides detailed store information like hours, contact details, and services.
  • Bridges the gap between online and in-person shopping.
  • Perfect for retailers, franchises, and businesses with physical outlets.
  • Increases foot traffic and enhances the overall shopping experience.
  • Includes zoom and pan features for map navigation.
  • Location search by city for quick nearby store discovery.
  • Integrates with Google Maps for easy navigation.


  • No mention of app availability across different platforms or operating systems.
  • Dependent on the accuracy of store data provided by the merchants.
  • Users may require an internet connection to access maps and store information.
  • Potential user privacy concerns regarding location tracking.

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