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Flowfy ‑ Workflow automations

Free plan available

Simplify store automation; integrate CRM, email, and streamline operations effortlessly.

Order management
Inventory updates
Custom integrations
Workflow automations
Data syncing

About Flowfy ‑ Workflow automations

Launched Dec 10, 2024


Built by Bit Code Technologies LTD

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Automate workflows by connecting with multiple apps—no coding needed!

Flowfy simplifies automation by easily integrating your store with apps like crm, email marketing etc. Our app helps you integrate essential workflows like order management, customer data updates, automate order, export data and inventory sync which reduces manual tasks and saves time. With a user-friendly interface and no code required, you can quickly set up custom integrations that enhance store operations and streamline processes to improve overall efficiency.

Flowfy simplifies automation by easily integrating your store with apps like crm, email marketing etc. Our app helps you integrate essential workflows like order management, customer data updates, automate order, export data and inventory sync which reduces manual tasks and saves time. With a user-friendly interface and no code required, you can quickly set up custom integrations that enhance store operations and streamline processes to improve overall efficiency. more
  • Workflow automations: Build custom workflow automations without any code.
  • Integrations: Connect your store with CRM, email tools, Google Sheets, and more.
  • Automate order management, customer data syncing, and inventory updates.
  • Data export: Export data quickly for analysis, marketing, or reporting.
  • Data syncing: Sync data across tools, spreadsheets, databases and APIs.


  • Simplifies store automation by integrating with CRM, email marketing, Google Sheets, and more.
  • Enables users to build custom workflow automations without any coding knowledge.
  • Automates essential workflows such as order management, customer data updates, and inventory sync, reducing manual tasks and saving time.
  • Facilitates quick data export for analysis, marketing, or reporting purposes.
  • Features a user-friendly interface that enhances store operations and streamlines processes to improve overall efficiency.


  • Potential integration limitations if specific third-party services are not supported.
  • May require users to learn and adapt to new processes for workflow setup.
  • Dependence on the app's performance and updates for maintaining automation functionality.
  • Limited user reviews available to assess long-term reliability and customer satisfaction.

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