Guaranteed Protection Against Fraud and Non-fraud Chargebacks
99 South Almaden Ave, Suite 400, San Jose, CA, 95113, US
Website Support Portal Privacy policy Tutorial FAQSignifyd’s Guaranteed Fraud Protection evaluates orders at checkout and delivers instant decisions backed by a financial guarantee against fraud chargebacks on all approved orders. This effectively shifts the liability for chargeback losses away from the merchant, allowing them to trust their customers and grow fearlessly while reducing risk.
Send custom rule driven emails based any order characteristics...
Store Credit, Loyalty, Incentives, VIP / Employee programs...
Loyalty Program with rewards, referrals, points & VIP...
Sell custom neon, acrylic, metal, 2D / 3D signs on your...
Block IP, Block Country, Block VPN, Block Bot, Block Customer...
Protect content, images, text from theft & disable right...
Secure, Control, and Analyze: Geo Tools for Your Store
Fraud Protection, ID Verification, Chargeback Protection