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Session AI Connector

Develop by Session AI


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Reduce promos, drive growth & save millions all in five clicks

    Personalized experiences
    Predict purchase intent
    Real-time offers
    Anonymous visitor tracking
    Promotional efficiency

    About Session AI Connector

    Launched Dec 19, 2023


    Built by Session AI


    Session AI helps companies increase ecommerce revenue from your anonymous traffic.

    Session AI delivers In-Session Marketing, the critical capability that leading online retailers need to convert site visitors in a privacy-first world. Using patented artificial intelligence, Session AI predicts purchase intent in five clicks, enabling online retailers to provide each visitor with the right offer in real time. Ecommerce sites leverage Session AI to increase revenue and engagement without the need for personally identifiable information or third-party cookies.

    Session AI delivers In-Session Marketing, the critical capability that leading online retailers need to convert site visitors in a privacy-first world. Using patented artificial intelligence, Session AI predicts purchase intent in five clicks, enabling online retailers to provide each visitor with the right offer in real time. Ecommerce sites leverage Session AI to increase revenue and engagement without the need for personally identifiable information or third-party cookies. more
    • Predict the intent of each visitor by the 5th click
    • Session AI identifies buyer intent for both known and anonymous visitors
    • Improve conversion rates and drive up revenue through personalized experiences
    • Preserve margin and improve promotional efficiency


    • Predicts purchase intent in five clicks, making it quick and efficient
    • Does not require personally identifiable information or third-party cookies, aligning with privacy-first policies
    • Helps increase revenue and engagement through personalized visitor experiences
    • Improves promotional efficiency and preserves profit margins
    • Handles intent prediction for both known and anonymous visitors


    • May have a learning curve for retailers unfamiliar with AI-based marketing tools
    • Effectiveness may vary depending on the quality of the AI predictions
    • Does not provide detailed impact on the overall customer experience outside of immediate conversions
    • Dependence on AI could result in challenges if the tech fails or produces inaccurate predictions
    • Limited to e-commerce sites, may not apply as effectively in other digital sectors

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