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Develop by Sameday
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Sameday delivery app

Easy integration
Print shipping labels
Generate transport orders
Lockers plugin integration
10 Reviews

About SamedayApp

Launched Nov 02, 2022


Built by Sameday

Email :

[email protected]


Str Gara Herăstrău,Nr.6, Cladirea Globalworth Square,Et. 6-7, Bucharest, B, 020334, RO

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SamedayApp makes an easy way to integrate our delivery services in your store.

Using the Sameday App, you can very easily integrate our delivery options into the checkout of your website, later, with just a simple click from the admin panel you can generate a transport order and you can also show the shipping labels as PDF format and print it.

Using the Sameday App, you can very easily integrate our delivery options into the checkout of your website, later, with just a simple click from the admin panel you can generate a transport order and you can also show the shipping labels as PDF format and print it. more
  • Integration with lockers plugin
  • Easy way to place delivery orders
  • Easy to use overall


  • Easily integrates delivery options into website checkout
  • Simple click from admin panel to generate transport orders
  • Shipping labels can be shown as PDF and printed
  • Integration with lockers plugin
  • Easy way to place delivery orders
  • Overall usability is straightforward


  • Lack of detailed support documentation
  • Occasional issues reported with integration in custom CMS setups
  • Some features may depend on the specific carriers or delivery services used
  • Limited customization options for the shipping label templates
  • Initial setup can be time-consuming for those unfamiliar with e-commerce plugins

Rating And Reviews


Mar 25, 2024  on Shopify

- la Settings daca nu completezi campul Locker Max Items nu te poti autentifica - serverul returneaza eroare 422 - la activarea unui Serviciu, aveti formularea: "Free price - Complete with 0 if you don't want to give free price" ... Zero daca nu vreau Free Price? si daca vreau Free Price completez cu 100 ??

Bucovina Xpress Shop

Mar 22, 2024  on Shopify

Incerc de cateva ore bune sa iau legatura cu echipa de la [email protected] dar nu imi raspunde nimeni. Am incercat cu cei din chat suportul de la shopify sa setam livrarea in easy box si la domiciliu, dar la livrare in easybox nu ne apare optiunea de a selecta locatia locker. Mai jos va transmit tot ce mi au comunicat si incercat cei de la shopify: So here is the problems that i see. The checkout additional scripts are not working even though we followed their instruction. We made some adjustments too. but their javascript is not working in our checkouts, here are the corrections that we made, allow me to list this down Adjusted the shipingMethodId to shippingMethodId : due to spelling error; did not work Adjusted the shipingMethodId to MethodId following one of the comments in the app ; did not work Upon doing the adjustments above we made sure that the changes was applied to the wholes snippet; did not work Tried removing the other ShippingMethodID and left the Easybox to see if it will work; did not work tried adjusting the ID to and make sure that it is case sensitive Easybox, easyBox, EasyBox; none of them worked. attempted to identify the script and adjust some settings like the style display, adjusted it to these values; block, inline, flex; no changes

Zeta Dancewear

Mar 15, 2024  on Shopify

Error fixed by Sameday admin team After successful authentication, when i press "refresh services" i get the error message below; I cleared my browser cookies and cache, tried a different browser - no result "Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused."

Kawaii Store

Jan 10, 2024  on Shopify

nu reusesc sa integrez aplicatia pe plan basic..pacat Nu reusesc nici cu easybox sa isi aleaga clientii


Dec 06, 2023  on Shopify

apare eroarea aceasta Carrier Calculated Shipping must be enabled for your store before enabling: Sameday Courier, cum se poate rezolva

GO Health

Nov 02, 2023  on Shopify

Dear Team! I would like to ask for help with setting up the Sameday application. I installed it, entered the password for all parameters, and it won't let me activate it. I go to the import carrier and this is what it says. Carrier Calculated Shipping must be enabled for your store before enabling: Sameday Courier Thank you. Gábor Klenovszki

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