Increase sales: Remember customers' carts across their devices
Add popups with coupons, timers, video and email capture...
Recover carts and increase sales. With Keeper, customers who login across multiple devices will find their shopping cart waiting for them, ready to complete their order. How does it work? When a customer who has started shopping on one device (i.e. their mobile), logs into your store on another device (i.e. their laptop), they’ll find their shopping cart waiting for them. This makes it easy to complete their order, resulting in more sales for your store. Recover more abandoned carts today!
The Best Abandoned Cart Recovery w/ Email + SMS
Increase sales with abandoned cart emails & email marketing...
Recover Abandoned Carts by Email & SMS, Abandonment...
Bump your Abandoned Cart Recovery: SMS Marketing, Upsell,...
Display sticky add to cart bar on the home and product pages...
Hide, rename, reorder payment methods based on your conditions...
Sticky Cart Drawer with Upsells, Free Gift, Rewards Bar...
Show Upsell & Cross Sell In Slide Cart / Popup With...